VoteClimate: Maximise Your Vote To Save The Planet

Maximise your vote to save the planet.

How worried are you?

Do you want the government to take real action on climate change?

There is hope. By voting together as a block we can make that happen.

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UK heatmap - maximum temperatures recorded on 19th July 2022

A Simple Plan

1. You Join VoteClimate

2. We tell you at each election the strongest vote for climate in your seat

3. We follow government progress and hold politicians to account for their climate performance

4. We take our membership numbers to the parties so they commit to ambitious action on climate, to win more votes and seats

What You Need To Do

Tell us your postcode

Agree to be contacted before each election

Switch your vote to a party with a better climate policy

Like/follow VoteClimate on social media

Recruit 2 friends to join us

This should be easy and has massive potential.

How It Works

Before each election (general & devolved), based on expert analysis, we will rank the political parties' manifestos according to which, if fully implemented over the term of the parliament or assembly, will lead to the greatest long-term reduction in UK climate emissions. We will then tell members which party to vote for to have the strongest influence on the climate policies of the next government.

The members agree to vote based on those recommendations. The parties with the best climate policies will win more seats. All parties receive a strong signal about the importance of good climate policies.

As an election approaches, we will tell the political parties how many votes and seats they can hope to gain if they have the best climate policies.

Together we show the political parties that manifesto commitments on climate will earn them more votes and more seats.

Why It Will Work

  • It's the easiest way to fight climate change: just a few minutes to sign up and to vote
  • Suppose we recruit one million members: that's an average of over 1,500 members in each Westminster constituency.
  • At the July 2024 general election there were 80 seats with majorities lower than that. See our Electoral Analysis.
  • That could be enough seats to swing the next general election.

Frequently Asked Questions

We empower our members to vote tactically to achieve the maximum influence on future government climate policy. In some seats this means switching away from the party with the strongest climate policy to make the most of first-post-the-post.

VoteClimate's recommendations are tailored to the circumstances at each election and in each seat:

1. Where a party with ambitious climate policies can win, we will recommend them

2. Where a party with ambitious climate policies appears unlikely to win, VoteClimate will recommend the party with the strongest climate policy, typically the Green Party: to give the strongest signal of our members' desire for action.

For more details see How VoteClimate Works In Different Types Of Seat

What the mainstream parties are currently promising on climate is far, far short of what is required. The first step is to force them to at least pledge to do more, a lot more. There seems very little chance they'll take action unless they've promised to.

Even if one party cynically promises a strong climate manifesto with no intention of implementing it, that incentivises the other parties to improve their manifestos, as they compete for the VoteClimate voters.

And remember: there are many at all levels within the mainstream parties who support strong action on climate. By joining VoteClimate we give them greater influence over their party's climate policies.

Time is running out for the planet. So we're asking you to think the unthinkable. The most powerful way to persuade your preferred party to improve their climate policies is to threaten to switch to a party that could beat them. Even if you're a loyal party member, don't let your vote be taken for granted.

If VoteClimate members are willing to vote tactically for any party with ambitious climate policies, that gives us the maximum influence on party manifestos at each election.

If there's no way you’ll ever vote for them, there's no hope that the main parties will offer climate policies that earn your vote.

The goal of political parties is to win seats in parliament. By joining VoteClimate, you tell the mainstream parties that you would consider voting for them, if their climate policies were ambitious. The main parties will improve their climate policies only if they believe that will win them more votes. Uniting with VoteClimate to switch tactically makes your vote the very strongest it can be for climate. The more people you can recruit to join VoteClimate, the more influence we'll have on them.

In the seats where the Green party can win, we will recommend voting for them. See: Green Party Most Winnable Seats

In many (eg safe Conservative or Labour) seats VoteClimate is likely recommend that the Green Party is the strongest vote for climate in that constituency.

At local elections we will ask our members to vote Green in most wards to show how much support there is for strong environmental policies, which strengthens our negotiating position before national and other elections.

Once we know how many people are going to vote climate in each constituency, we can work out which parties can possibly win in that constituency if we all vote as a block. Of the parties that can win with our votes, we can swing behind the one promising the greatest action on climate. We can achieve so much more working together than we can as individuals.

Every extra signed-up VoteClimate member gives us a little bit more influence over party manifestos at each election.

See "Why do I need to become a member of VoteClimate?" above.

Two weeks before each election we will obtain the predicted results in each seat. Any party, which could win the seat if all VoteClimate members in that constituency voted for them, will be considered.

Where a party with ambitious climate policies appears unlikely to win, VoteClimate will recommend the party with the strongest climate policy, typically the Green Party: to give the strongest signal of our members’ desire for action.

The more people who join VoteClimate, wherever they are in the country, the more seriously the parties and the media have to take us - and the easier it will be to get funding to enhance that influence.

Good news: this idea works equally well to pressurise and incentivise parties standing in UK selections outside England. We will evaluate their climate policies in the same way and recommend who to vote for on the same basis.

Maybe. But VoteClimate is about the art of the possible. By voting as a block we have the power to turn the first-past-the-post system on its head and use it to bring desperately needed change.

Our mission is to ensure that whichever party wins an election, they have made significant commitments to tackle climate change. So our recommendation of who to vote for has to be based on UK/devolved manifestos.

By joining VoteClimate, we maximise the influence of those within the mainstream parties who are serious about climate.

To lobby your prospective next MP, please Join VoteClimate and upload a Commitment. A Commitment is a message which we can take to your local politicians to underline your commitment to vote only for candidates themselves committing to real action on the climate and nature emergency.

This will prove to the political parties that we really do have a large number of members who will vote climate as a block.

Please see our Facebook and Twitter pages.

VoteClimate supports all policies that significantly reduce climate emissions. There is no shortage of policy suggestions from the UK government's Climate Change Committee which political parties should promise in their manifestos.

Global destruction of the natural world is a monstrous tragedy. But VoteClimate is not the Green Party. We're a single-issue movement focussed on stopping the single biggest threat to human life the world has ever seen.

It's likely that the political parties with the best climate policies will also have the best overall environmental policies.

The main parties ignore us at their peril, as they need every vote they can get in marginal seats. See How VoteClimate Works In Different Types Of Seat.

We each have a responsibility to recruit as many members as possible, to ensure that no political party can afford to ignore us.

Our mission is to change national policies to tackle climate change. In local elections, in most wards, we will urge members to vote for the Green Party, to demonstrate to the mainstream parties the size of our membership and our motivation to vote. We may recommend other parties with ambitious climate policies in targeted, marginal wards.

No. VoteClimate is independent of all political parties.

Where they are standing VoteClimate considers a vote for the Climate Party a strong signal for action on climate.

No. Greenpeace do not tell people which party to vote for. VoteClimate believes we have maximum influence on manifestos if people agree to follow our voting recommendations. But we love Project Climate Vote and urge you to support it.

We promise never to share your personal data. We will ask for the minimum possible data. Under GDPR we have to explain what we'll do with your data, and it's an offence to do anything with your data that you haven't agreed to.

When we take our membership numbers to the political parties before an election, we will release our members' postal district (eg AB1) and what parliamentary constituency they're in. We keep your name and postcode private.

The VoteClimate tech is managed by an IT professional with 25 years experience as a data protection officer (DPO) charged with keeping personal data secure.

Maximise your vote to save the planet.

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