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VoteClimate: MPs' Climate-Related Tweets - January 2014
MPs' Climate-Related Tweets - January 2014
We've identified 6 X/Twitter posts by MPs related to action on climate change during January 2014.
27th January 2014
27 Jan 2014 Peter Lamb MP (@CllrPetesTweets) We've got to get back on the right track 'Crawley is the only southern city to feature amongst the highest [CO2] emitters' #CitiesOutlook [Source]
22nd January 2014
22 Jan 2014 Ashley Fox MP (@Ashley7Fox) EU Commission set to announce abolition of mandatory targets for renewable energy. Good news for consumers and businesses. [Source]
18th January 2014
18 Jan 2014 Gareth Snell MP (@gareth_snell) UKIP Councillor who blames climate change on Gay marriage is a former Tory Councillor. #toryhomefromhome [Source]
18 Jan 2014 Nigel Farage MP (@Nigel_Farage) @woodmally1979 we do which is why we question man made climate change but we understand that humans are individual. People died for freedom [Source]