The Commitment And VoteClimate Come Together

The Commitment And VoteClimate Come Together

3 May 24

The Commitment was established in 2019 with the aim of speeding up government action on the climate and nature. Its approach was to show politicians that voter demand for change was strong and that urgent action was needed.

VoteClimate was established in 2022 with the aim of speeding up government action on the climate. Its approach was to show politicians that voter demand for change was strong and that urgent action was needed.

Looks a bit similar? The only difference is in the word ‘nature’ and even then they both championed nature; it’s just that The Commitment placed greater emphasis on it.

The tactics of the two organisations were slightly different: VoteClimate going straight to party HQs and The Commitment to individual politicians, and through them to party HQs. It probably makes sense to do both.

When we became aware of each other, in mid-2023, we began a conversation that became ever more serious until we agreed to share everything: our teams and all that we had learnt and acquired. In April 2024 we signed a formal agreement transferring The Commitment from its (magical) host Caplor Horizons and into VoteClimate’s not-for-profit company.

Both our names are powerful. After a lot of thought we have decided to use VoteClimate, primarily because it is more immediately understood.

We are in the process of combining the best of both organisations. For example, in joining The Commitment, people explained why they were doing it. This was often very powerful, with moving words, photos and more. We have added this to the process for joining VoteClimate. All the Commitments made since 2019 by over 12,000 people will remain live and valuable.

We are delighted to have come together, far stronger than we were apart.

Our Shared Vision

Our new stronger team will continue to recruit new members for VoteClimate and to ask our members to share their Commitment to climate and nature. We will continue to take Commitments to politicians to evidence how many of their constituents demand that they step up on climate and nature. We will continue to leverage the VoteClimate membership numbers to influence climate policy at a party level.

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