VoteClimate: Flood and Water Management Bill - 8th April 2010

Flood and Water Management Bill - 8th April 2010

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Flood and Water Management Bill.

Full text:

16:10 The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Huw Irranca-Davies)

We should not lose sight of why the Bill is important. Floods can be massively disruptive to people’s lives and to businesses, sometimes for a prolonged period. The events in Cumbria in the autumn were a vivid reminder of that, and climate change is likely to make both floods and droughts more frequent. The measures in this Bill will make a real and tangible difference; that is why the Government made the Bill a priority. I commend the Bill, and the amendments made to it in the other place, to the House.

The Minister referred to adapting to climate change—or as some call it, adverse weather conditions. Across the country we have all at various times faced such weather conditions. There is a dilemma between wanting to store water to enable us to adapt to these conditions and the cost of creating more reservoirs.

May I too congratulate the Minister on the successful passage of the Bill? He has done exceedingly well in steering this important Bill through the House. The other place has demonstrated its ability correctly to witness, scrutinise and improve what was already an important Bill. In my constituency—both in the city of Hereford and in Ross-on-Wye—we have seen tremendous floods that have affected people’s day-to-day lives. I am grateful for the investment made in flood defence schemes in the city and in Ross-on-Wye. They are important. The Minister is right to say that these events will occur more frequently in the future as a result of climate change and global warming. The Act that we hope will be in place this evening will be a great asset and of great assistance to our nation for the future. I congratulate the Minister on his role in this.


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