VoteClimate: Oral Answers to Questions - 10th September 2015

Oral Answers to Questions - 10th September 2015

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Oral Answers to Questions.

Full text:

Kerry McCarthy (Labour)

1. What steps the Church Commissioners are taking to support the Church of England’s international efforts to tackle climate change. ( 901256 )


The Second Church Estates Commissioner (Mrs Caroline Spelman)

The Church of England, along with the wider Anglican Communion, is actively tacking climate change in four ways: assessing its investment strategy and, where necessary, divesting in the context of our climate change policy; actively engaging with public policy; attending the forthcoming Paris conference; and encouraging its parishes to reduce their carbon footprint and their parishioners to do the same.


Mrs Spelman

Our commitment to climate change in no way detracts from the central mission of the Church, which is to encourage people to faith. As part of our faith, however, we have to demonstrate environmental stewardship. As the Archbishop of Canterbury has said, the Anglican Communion has an unrivalled network through which to encourage laggards in the quest to tackle climate change and to play a positive role at the conference in Paris.


Jeremy Lefroy (Stafford) (Con)

My right hon. Friend rightly refers to the Anglican Communion. What discussions and consultations does the Church of England have with the worldwide Anglican Communion to listen to them about the impact of climate change in their own countries?


Mrs Spelman

The Church of England devoted a whole day of its General Synod in York to a debate on climate change, in which the Archbishop of Canterbury and I spoke, outlining the ability of our worldwide network to help the nations that are worst affected by climate change. Sadly, they are the poorest nations in the world. That is why the Government’s commitment to an ambitious outcome in Paris is so important.


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