VoteClimate: Oral Answers to Questions - 26th February 2020

Oral Answers to Questions - 26th February 2020

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Oral Answers to Questions.

Full text:

Philip Dunne

I associate myself with the Prime Minister’s thanks to all those helping in the aftermath of Storm Dennis— [ Interruption. ] It has brought record high water levels in the Rivers Severn and Trent, and over 100 properties in my constituency have been flooded, bringing misery to those affected. As we speak, the Severn has just breached its banks at Bridgnorth. Will the Prime Minister use his influence in the Budget and in the comprehensive spending review later this year to increase infrastructure spending on flood defences for at-risk communities as part of his determination, in this year of COP26, to show global leadership in taking action on climate change adaptation and mitigation?


Ed Davey (Liberal Democrat)

Q6. Before the previous successful climate change talks in 2015 in Paris, I led the British preparations, including the delegations, for the three preceding UN climate talks. Global action on climate change only happens when the host nation engages with the world’s largest nations in advance at the highest political level. As the host of the 2020 climate talks, will the Prime Minister today publicly commit himself to meeting President Xi of China, Prime Minister Modi of India and US President Trump to secure for the Glasgow talks global action on the climate emergency? ( 900851 )


Bill Esterson (Labour)

Q8. The Prime Minister has a laundry list of climate promises. No doubt he will read them out shortly, but he cannot escape the fact that, on current rate of progress, net zero will not be reached until 2099—not the 2050 that he claims, let alone the 2030 that we probably need. Even J. P. Morgan says that human life, as we know it, is under threat. The Prime Minister cannot be a climate denier, can he, so when will he take climate crisis seriously? ( 900853 )


The Prime Minister

These are not promises: these are what we have already done. It is thanks to Conservative action on climate change that we have reduced CO 2 output by 43% on 1990 levels since 2010, and the economy has grown by 73%. Some 99% of all the solar panels installed in this country have happened under this Conservative Government. In 1990, this country was 70% dependent on coal: today, it is 3%—and Labour would reopen the coalmines.


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