VoteClimate: Authorised Absence from School - 5th June 2019

Authorised Absence from School - 5th June 2019

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Authorised Absence from School.

Full text:

16:13 Steve Double (St Austell and Newquay) (Con)

Part of the problem is that although the Government say that absence from school should be authorised by headteachers only in exceptional circumstances, they do not provide clear guidance as to what constitutes an exceptional circumstance. That has led to a degree of confusion and complicated situations, as was highlighted recently by the climate change protests, during which thousands of schoolchildren took time away from school to attend the demonstrations. I am reliably informed—it has been reported—that many of those children were given authorised absence to miss classroom time in order to attend those protests. Leaving aside the point that I do not see how something can be called a strike when people have been given permission to be absent, parents should be able to expect some consistency in the application of the policy.


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