VoteClimate: European Union (Withdrawal) Act - 25th March 2019

European Union (Withdrawal) Act - 25th March 2019

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate European Union (Withdrawal) Act.

Full text:

19:40 Sir Nicholas Soames (Mid Sussex) (Con)

All of us know that many of our constituents are understandably extremely angry that Brexit has so distracted the Government from the serious issues we faceā€”the NHS, education, crime, the reform of social care, housing, the environment and climate change, and all the other great issues that have inevitably had to be neglected as Brexit has gradually sucked the life blood out of the Government. As you very well know, Mr Speaker, the public believe that we have collectively let them down badly, and this is leading inevitably and very seriously to the fraying of the bonds between Parliament and the nation. The national interest clearly dictates that we have to get this done and that we must get on with the vital work of establishing our future relationships with our most important economic partners and allies.


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