VoteClimate: Smart Meters Bill - 24th October 2017

Smart Meters Bill - 24th October 2017

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Smart Meters Bill.

Full text:

16:56 The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (Greg Clark)

Smart metering upgrades the interactivity of the energy system in general. One big advantage of it is that if the system is fully interactive, less unneeded generating capacity needs to be invested in, with consequent savings to consumers. Even in the initial operation, it is estimated that by 2020 consumers can make net savings on their household bills to the tune of £300 million. In addition to the bill savings, smart metering will deliver benefits to the energy industry and to the economy more widely. It seems to me to be essential that if we want to plan a prosperous future, building on our strengths, this country should be the place in the world that can best integrate renewable energy and battery storage—not least in electric vehicles—with the consumer. Smart metering is an important element of that.


17:53 Antoinette Sandbach (Eddisbury) (Con)

This measure not only improves energy security, but also contributes towards meeting our international decarbonisation obligations. The smart meter roll-out has the potential to address the energy trilemma, but concerted action by consumers and, indeed, suppliers is required in order to maximise the benefits.


18:10 Steve McCabe (Birmingham, Selly Oak) (Lab)

Lord Bourne told the Energy and Climate Change Committee that there were 2 million smart meters in store. Could that have anything to do with the decision? If so, is there a risk that the Minister might be accused of massaging the figures with what is essentially an inferior meter?

The Minister will be aware that the Energy and Climate Change Committee raised questions about the 2020 target, and he will know that both the Institute of Directors and some in the industry have suggested that the purpose of the extension might be to give the Government wriggle room.

The Minister will also be aware that, in May 2015, the Energy and Climate Change Committee warned that problems with smart meters are


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