VoteClimate: Co-operatives - 3rd July 2013

Co-operatives - 3rd July 2013

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Co-operatives.

Full text:

15:08 Tom Greatrex (Rutherglen and Hamilton West) (Lab/Co-op)

First, my hon. Friend rightly highlighted what the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change said about the need for a co-operative energy revolution. It was a cause of some frustration during consideration of the Energy Bill that we were unable to convince him to turn his words into action on a community energy strategy and regarding the threshold for the feed-in tariff for community energy projects. My hon. Friend talked about the extent to which people have an interest in energy, and feel a sense of ownership towards it, as a result of community energy projects. There are a number of such projects across the country, but most are relatively small, and if we are to develop them further, we need to change the threshold.


15:50 The Economic Secretary to the Treasury (Sajid Javid)

Several other questions were asked, and before I conclude, I will try to answer some of them as best I can. A number of hon. Members raised the issue of co-ops in the energy sector. The Department of Energy and Climate Change published a call for evidence on community energy in June 2013, and it will publish a community energy strategy for autumn 2013. That highlights the Government’s commitment to supporting community energy projects.


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