VoteClimate: Nuclear Fusion: Energy Provision - 23rd May 2023

Nuclear Fusion: Energy Provision - 23rd May 2023

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Nuclear Fusion: Energy Provision.

Full text:

Bob Blackman (Conservative)

I thank my right hon. Friend for that answer. When I was studying physics at university more than 40 years ago, fusion was a gleam in our professor’s eye. Now we have been able to achieve it, but the key is scalability. What effort is my right hon. Friend making to invest in the research and development that is required to bring this clean, cheap and green energy to fruition?


Caroline Lucas (Brighton, Pavilion) (Green)

Even nuclear fusion’s most ardent advocates admit that it will be decades before an operational power station is built. At the same time, I remind the Secretary of State that his own Government’s target for decarbonising the power sector is 2035, so nuclear fusion will be no help in meeting that target. Instead of wasting taxpayers’ money on yet another nuclear white elephant, why will the Secretary of State not fully harness the things that we know will work, which means an energy system based on renewables backed up with interconnectors, batteries and storage, unblocking onshore wind and unleashing a rooftop solar revolution? Why is he not doing that, which will make the transition much quicker and much cheaper?


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