VoteClimate: UK Internal Market: White Paper - 16th July 2020

UK Internal Market: White Paper - 16th July 2020

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate UK Internal Market: White Paper.

Full text:

12:08 The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (Alok Sharma)

The UK economy has some of the highest standards in the world. We go beyond EU rules in many areas, including health and safety in the workplace, workers’ rights, food, health and animal welfare, consumer protections, household goods, net zero and the environment. We will maintain our commitment to high standards as we negotiate trade agreements that will provide jobs and growth to the United Kingdom. Through our common frameworks approach, we will support regulatory consistency across our internal market, so if the devolved Administrations seek to agree standards across the UK economy, I say simply this: come and work with us.


12:16 Ed Miliband (Labour)

Let us myth-bust some of the lies that have been circulated this morning. Scotland is not getting 70 new powers. The UK Government say that new powers are coming on animal welfare, energy efficiency and land use. Has the Secretary of State not heard? The Scottish Parliament already has those powers. Just last month it passed a Bill on animal welfare; last year it passed a Bill on forestry; and energy efficiency was part of the Climate Change (Scotland Bill) in 2009, more than a decade ago. We have these powers.


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