VoteClimate: Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office - 30th June 2020

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office - 30th June 2020

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

Full text:

The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and First Secretary of State (Dominic Raab)

The new Foreign, Commonwealth and Development office is a huge opportunity for the UK to have an even greater global impact as we recover from the coronavirus pandemic, and also as we prepare to hold the G7 presidency and host COP26 next year.


Dominic Raab

I assure the hon. Gentleman that we are committed to spending 0.7% of GNI on aid. The examples of Gavi and COP26, the questions on Yemen and this pandemic all illustrate why bringing together all the different aspects of foreign policy—particularly bringing together aid and development policy with the Foreign Office’s network—is an opportunity for us to be bigger than the sum of our parts abroad and to have an even greater impact as a force for good.


Dominic Raab

I thank my hon. Friend, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee. He is right to quote the HALO Trust. He is right that this is an opportunity. Indeed, it will mean significant cultural change for the FCO, not just for DFID. We want to merge and innovate to bring something that is, as I say, the sum of our parts, but also something different. In fact, just one of 29 OECD countries has a separate Development Ministry. I have been talking to the likes of Paul Collier and Professor Stefan Dercon about how we can achieve this in the way that delivers the best impact, particularly in relation to poverty reduction and things like climate change.


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