VoteClimate: Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) - 17th November 2010

Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) - 17th November 2010

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation).

Full text:

13:06 Chris Heaton-Harris (Daventry) (Con)

Many hon. Members feel the same way, including my hon. Friends the Members for Hexham (Guy Opperman), for Morecambe and Lunesdale (David Morris) and for Weaver Vale (Graham Evans), who have all followed me on this matter with great interest. In an Adjournment debate in October, the Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change, my hon. Friend the Member for Wealden (Charles Hendry) reflected on the direction of current Government policy, saying:


13:11 Martin Horwood (Cheltenham) (LD)

I agree with the commitment to localism shown by the Member for Daventry (Chris Heaton-Harris), and I suspect that there is barely a wafer between us on issues such as regional spatial strategies. However, I rise to oppose the Bill on the grounds that it is unnecessary, unwise and very unlikely to encourage the shift that we need in this country towards renewable energy. Instead, it runs the risk of feeding the irrational objections of a minority who have decided that wind power is bad and who will use almost any excuse to oppose it.

“Plans may include criteria that set out the minimum separation distances between different types of renewable energy projects and existing developments.”

“Under current planning policy distances between wind turbines and dwellings are decided on a case by case basis so that local factors can be taken fully into account. Local planning authorities are already able to set out the criteria they apply in assessing applications for renewable energy development in their local plans provided this does not rule out or place constraints on development without sufficient reasoned justification.” —[ Official Report , 1 November 2010; Vol. 517, c. 544W.]

That seems to strike exactly the right balance between localism and our commitment to renewable energy. The Government’s localism Bill will, I hope, increase and enhance the freedom of local authorities to look at such matters freely, on a case-by-base basis. Bills such as this run the risk of undermining that by once again trying to get Parliament to hand policies to local authorities that they are better able to decide for themselves.


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