VoteClimate: Draft West of England Combined Authority (Adult Education Functions) Order 2018 Draft Cambridgeshire... - 23rd October 2018

Draft West of England Combined Authority (Adult Education Functions) Order 2018 Draft Cambridgeshire... - 23rd October 2018

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Draft West of England Combined Authority (Adult Education Functions) Order 2018 Draft Cambridgeshire....

Full text:

14:52 Anne Milton

The hon. Gentleman mentioned Anglia Ruskin university, and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough offer one example I will pull out. They are involved as the skills specialist in the feasibility study for bringing a new Cambridgeshire Academy of Transportation, Logistics and Sustainable Energies to the area. Maybe devolution is an opportunity for local authorities and combined authorities to pick slightly catchier titles for their initiatives and deliver more opportunities for people to take up skills and produce initiatives, projects and working groups that mean something to their local population, because some initiatives are slightly lost on even many of us in the Government.


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