VoteClimate: Timeshare Contracts - 3rd June 2013

Timeshare Contracts - 3rd June 2013

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Timeshare Contracts.

Full text:

21:03 Fiona O'Donnell (East Lothian) (Lab)

I am grateful for the opportunity to debate the regulation of the timeshare industry. I want to start with a list of thank yous. It is appropriate that we are speaking about timeshare: I thank Ministers from the Department of Energy and Climate Change for disposing of their business so quickly that they have managed to share the time this evening more evenly. I thank the Minister and her officials for the interest they have taken in this issue. I look forward to working with them in the hope that we can find a way to solve the problems faced by the people I will be speaking about. I thank the various consumer organisations that have been supportive: Citizens Advice Scotland, Which? and the trade body of the sector, the Resort Development Organisation. Most of all, however, I would like to thank The Sunday Post , which has run a really effective campaign on the issue. That newspaper is often the subject of urban myths—according to one that does the rounds in Scotland, when the Titanic sank, its headline was “Titanic sinks. Govan man feared drowned”—but this campaign shows that those urban myths are a thing of the past.


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