VoteClimate: Sample Recruitment Email

Sample Recruitment Email

Here's an example of an email that you can send to friends and colleagues to introduce them to VoteClimate and ask them to join.

Dear XXXX,

I've joined, a new movement which allows us to force the mainstream political parties to take real action to tackle the climate emergency.

It works like this:

1. Join
2. VoteClimate will tell you at the next general election which party that could win in your seat has the best climate policy. 
3. VoteClimate will take their membership numbers to the parties ahead of the next general election so they commit in their manifestos to ambitious action on climate, to win more votes and seats. 

If we can recruit 1 million members by the time of the next general election, we can change the result in around 50 constituencies.

All the details are on

Thank you so much!


If you've got a different wording that you think will work, please send it to so we can include it on this page.

Maximise your vote to save the planet.

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