VoteClimate: Recall of Elected Representatives — Schedule 4 — Application and modification of emissions limit duty

Recall of Elected Representatives — Schedule 4 — Application and modification of emissions limit duty

On 4th December 2013 the House of Commons debated division number 151 the motion below.

MPs who support action on climate change should have voted No.

I beg to move, That this House disagrees with Lords amendment 105.

The amendment would give the Secretary of State power to apply the emissions performance standard—EPS—to any existing fossil fuel power station that fits the pollution clean-up equipment that is needed to meet the tighter limits, set by the industrial emissions directive from January 2016, on emissions of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. Under that directive, plants that do not fit clean-up equipment will from January 2016 be subject to a 17,500 hour limit on their operation, after which they must close, or, from mid-2020 be limited to just 1,500 hours of operation a year. The intention behind the amendment is to use the EPS as a regulatory tool for limiting carbon emissions from any existing coal-fired power station that is not otherwise forced to close and/or have its operation limited under the directive.

Question put, That this House disagrees with Lords amendment 105.

The House divided:

Ayes 318, Noes 236.

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