VoteClimate: Ban on Fracking for Shale Gas Bill

Ban on Fracking for Shale Gas Bill

On 19th October 2022 the House of Commons debated division number 66 the motion below.

MPs who support action on climate change should have voted Aye.

That this House calls on the Government to introduce a ban on hydraulic fracking for shale gas; and makes provision as set out in this Order:

“even if we lifted the fracking moratorium tomorrow…no amount of shale gas from hundreds of wells dotted across rural England would be enough to lower the European price…private companies are not going to sell the shale gas they produce to UK consumers below the market price. They are not charities, after all.”

“Even if the UK were to generate significant gas, we are not likely to see lower gas prices—any more than living next to a farm would mean paying less for milk.”

“Of course, there could be a role”

“if it can meet safety concerns”?

“I believe when George Osborne says fracking is a panacea he is totally misguided”,

“meet safety concerns and the needs of local residents”.

“We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.”

“it is clear that we cannot rule out future unacceptable impacts on the local community.”

“be widely felt…there could be widespread building damage in the study area, with cracked plasterwork affecting approximately 10 percent of buildings, more serious structural damage (of varying degrees) affecting 5.4 percent of buildings”—

“Some damage would be caused to buildings outside of the study area.”

“Unless the latest scientific evidence demonstrates that shale gas extraction is safe, sustainable and of minimal disturbance to those living and working nearby, the pause in England will remain in place.”

“can trigger earthquakes large enough to cause structural damage. These events were not predicted in advance of operations.”

“tolerating a higher degree of risk and disturbance appears to us to be in the national interest”—[Official Report, 22 September 2022; Vol. 719, c. 40WS.]

“to consult to ensure there is a robust system of local consent, and clear advice on seismic limits and safety, before any hydraulic fracturing for shale gas may take place; and believes that such consultation must consider how the views of regional mayors, local authorities and parishes should be reflected as well as the immediate concerns of those most directly affected.”

“We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it”

“unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.”

“With time, we will gain more understanding of how we can best develop this potentially very substantial UK asset.”

“Of course, there could be a role for it if it can meet safety concerns and the needs of local residents”.

“regional mayors, local authorities and parishes”.

“We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.”

“an official document…a draft Written Ministerial Statement about migration, due for publication”

“concerns about the direction of this government”

“hoping things will magically come right is not serious politics.”

“The depth of shale gas extraction gives rise to major challenges in identifying categorically pathways of contamination of groundwater by chemicals used…in the extraction process.”

“toxic, carcinogenic…or other hazardous properties. There is considerable anecdotal evidence from the US that contamination of both groundwater and surface water has occurred in a number of cases.”

“Hydraulic fracturing can trigger earthquakes large enough to cause structural damage. These events were not predicted in advance of operations.”

“tolerating a higher degree of risk and disturbance appears to us to be in the national interest”.

“clear advice on seismic limits and safety”.

“a robust system of local consent”.

“superficial, outdated and not justified”.

“We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically”

“I love shale gas—it is much cleaner than coal and we need more gas. I hope we get loads of it”.

“There is an awful lot of nonsense talked about fracking. I love shale gas—it is much cleaner than coal and we need more gas. I hope we get loads of it”.

“We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.”

“won’t materially affect the wholesale market price”.

“If it can be shown to be safe for workers and communities, fracking offers part of the solution to the energy crisis.”

“Not only is fracking bad for our climate, it risks causing air, water and noise pollution. It uses toxic chemicals that may not be regulated well enough. An accident could mean that these chemicals leak into water supplies or cause pollution above ground. In fact, this has happened many times in the US.”

“the Shock Doctrine: the exploitation of wrenching crises to smuggle through policies that devour the public sphere and further enrich a small elite.”

“When powerful ideologies are challenged by hard evidence from the real world, they rarely die off completely…A few true believers always remain to tell one another that the problem wasn’t with the ideology; it was the weakness of leaders who did not apply the rules with sufficient rigor.”

“be maintained until compelling new evidence is provided which addresses the concerns around the prediction and management of induced seismicity.”—[Official Report, 4 November 2019; Vol. 667, c. 56WS.]

“We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.”

“Forecasting the occurrence of large earthquakes and their expected magnitude remains a significant challenge for the geoscience community.”

“tolerating a higher degree of risk and disturbance appears to us to be in the national interest”.—[Official Report, 22 September 2022; Vol. 719, c. 40WS.]

“can buy off people’s concerns while they are struggling with the cost of living crisis.”

“We placed a moratorium on fracking in England with immediate effect. Having listened to local communities, we have ruled out changes to the planning system. We will not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.”

“those calling for the return of fracking misunderstand the situation.”

“Even if we lifted the fracking moratorium tomorrow, it would take up to a decade to extract sufficient volumes—and it would come at a high cost for communities and our precious countryside. Second, no amount of shale gas from hundreds of wells dotted across rural England would be enough to lower the European price any time soon. And with the best will in the world, private companies are not going to sell the gas they produce to UK consumers below the market price. They are not charities, after all.”

“permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.”

“Compensation and consent become two sides of the same coin.”—[Official Report, 22 September 2022; Vol. 719, c. 796.]

“fracking will take place only in areas with a clear public consensus behind it”,

“go around door-to-door…and ask people if they will consent.”

“it would take up to a decade”,

“enormous disruption…for little economic gain”;

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