VoteClimate: Ben Goldsborough MP: Climate Timeline

Ben Goldsborough MP: Climate Timeline

Ben Goldsborough is the Labour MP for South Norfolk.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Ben Goldsborough could have voted.

Ben Goldsborough is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Ben Goldsborough's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Ben Goldsborough

  • 08 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Thank you to the pupils at Forncett St Peter Primary School for your thoughtful letters on climate change and plastics in the ocean. ???? Your passion is inspiring! ✨ Replies will be flying back to you soon—keep raising your voices for our planet! ???? [Source]
  • 07 Dec 2024: Tweet

    Great to meet John at @ChetVineyard on #SmallBusinessSaturday! They produce amazing wines and capture more carbon than they produce—so you can sip sustainably and help tackle climate change. ???????????? #SupportLocal #Sustainability #GreenBusiness #ClimateAction [Source]
  • 4 Dec 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    Those viruses are transmitted by aphids, which feed on the sugar beet crops. Unlike growers on the continent, UK farmers are particularly vulnerable to the virus, due to our maritime climate. Typically, cold winters suppress the aphid population, reducing the risk of transmission. Milder winters, driven by climate change, allow aphids to survive for longer and thrive. If the aphids carry over the disease from the previous year to the new year, they can infest crops as early as spring, compounding the threat to the British sugar beet yields.

    Full debate: Biosecurity

  • 22 Nov 2024: Tweet

    Fab morning with the Badgers Class at Thurlton Primary School for UK Parliament Week! ???? Fantastic to see the next generation so engaged, with great questions on how Parliament works, tackling climate change, and concerns like stopping the Haddiscoe gravel pit ????✏ [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2024: Tweet

    Vertical farming presents exciting opportunities for the future of agriculture, as advanced at Fischer Farms in South Norfolk. I've asked Ministers to explore how we can support and grow this industry, meet climate targets and be at the forefront of this sector around the world. [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2024: Tweet

    Great to speak to @solar4_schools about their fantastic work teaching our kids about energy and decarbonisation and putting solar panels on school rooftops. Here in South Norfolk, St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary in Costessey has gone solar, with potential savings of £4 million! [Source]
  • 11 Nov 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    It is important to talk about new innovations in agriculture. All too often, we think of the more traditional methods—the herbicide era and the pesticide era—but we are going into a new era of vertical farming and controlled environment agriculture. I believe that these are vital not only because we can get higher yields from less land, but because they are better for the environment and help us meet our climate change targets. However, there is an issue in the current legislation on biodiversity net gain, and I would appreciate it if the ministerial team would consider it. Because these are closed structures, in their essence they are not net gain providers of biodiversity.

    At the same time, these structures decrease land use because they can increase production on a smaller site. They also use fewer damaging pollutants that leach into the area because they are, by their nature, closed systems. They reduce carbon emissions because they are able to precisely grow and engineer the plants that we need. To follow a bit of a theme, they have a smaller water footprint—going back to my first issue of what is important for Norfolk, we need proper use management of our water system. It would be great if my hon. Friend the Minister would look into BNG requirements on controlled environment agriculture to make sure that we can grow this industry, tackle our climate emission targets and be at the forefront of this sector around the world.

    Full debate: Rural Affairs

  • 19 Oct 2024: Tweet

    Huge thank you to everyone who came and joined Cllr. @john_morland & myself at Hethersett Methodist Church today for my weekly advice surgery! Covered lots of topics including: ???? SEND ???? Climate change ???? NHS ????️ Planning ????️ Council services And much more! [Source]
  • 15 Oct 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    The situation becomes even direr when we talk about solar farms. The industry body is responsible for setting out guidance on what should happen to all member bodies within it. Again, that creates an issue where those residents in areas considering having infrastructure in their back garden do not feel heard. They do not feel that they are being listened to in terms of what they want and where they need it. We want to drive towards net zero and we need to drive forward with the industrial upgrade to our national grid, but we end up in a situation where we are throwing the baby out with the bathwater, putting people off our future development towards being a green superpower for the rest of the world to follow.

    Full debate: Renewable Energy Projects: Community Benefits

  • 8 Oct 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    In South Norfolk we are lucky, because we have the innovation of the Norwich research park. Those who are local—I can see nodding from the hon. Member for Mid Norfolk (George Freeman)—will know that these are the centres of excellence that will drive our agriculture forward in agritech and high-end industry. The innovation of the John Innes Centre is second to none as it strives to meet the increasing demands and pressures on the national and international food security system. The gene editing techniques that it has been developing and working on have the potential to transform British agriculture by increasing yields and crop resilience, and to help us face the climate crisis that we are all heading towards.

    I welcome the news from the Front Bench that the Government will be taking action on precision breeding. That is a great step forward in what we needed to see. There is an incredible opportunity in the heart of South Norfolk to transform our food security and to support farmers on the frontline who are dealing with the consequences of climate change in producing more food with less impact on the environment.

    Full debate: Farming and Food Security

  • 7 Oct 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    The Quadram Institute is at the forefront of research into our food science and gut health, shaping the future of nutrition and medicine. The John Innes Centre is world renowned for its plant science and microbiology, the Sainsbury Laboratory continues to lead the way in plant pathology and molecular biology, and there is Tropic—an ambitious company that started in Norfolk which is engineering a new generation of tropical plants, resilient to both disease and looming threats from climate change. Its work is benefiting not just South Norfolk or even the UK; it is having a global impact, ensuring food security and agricultural sustainability for future generations. Heck, Tropic’s work means that in three or more years, we may be eating bananas that were grown in Norfolk—not something that many people would have imagined. Far from being normal, South Norfolk is actually a hub of scientific innovation and global leadership in fields that define the future of our planet. Dare I say, this is something of which we can be tremendously proud.

    Full debate: NHS Performance: Darzi Investigation

  • 18 Sep 2024: Tweet

    Had a fantastic visit to Fischer Farms yesterday, where cutting-edge technology is driving the future of farming! From leafy greens to plans for rice, wheat, & more, their sustainable approach is transforming agri-tech & renewable energy for a better planet & healthier diets. [Source]
  • 04 Sep 2024: Tweet

    Dropped in to speak with @EON_SE_en and @fit4_purpose about the immense benefits of renewable energy for South Norfolk. Clean energy is key to our future—bringing jobs, lowering bills, and protecting our environment. ⚡️ Let's power up our communities sustainably! [Source]
  • 05 Jul 2024: Tweet

    RT @10DowningStreet: Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP @Ed_Miliband as Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero @energygovuk.… [Source]
  • 04 Jul 2024: Tweet

    ???? We must protect our planet for future generations. ???? South Norfolk is blessed with amazing wildlife located in fantastic communities. ????️ #VoteLabour today to see our environment protected, climate change tackled & green jobs delivered locally. #GE2024 [Source]
  • 30 Jun 2024: Tweet

    What a brilliant afternoon in Hethersett. First, a cheeky canvassing session. The team said I had to have a photo next to this sign. Don’t know why… Then to the Great Green Picnic! Ace to see the village leading the way on Net Zero & showing the difference @coopuk makes. [Source]
  • 24 Jun 2024: Tweet

    @UKLabour @southnorfolk @LabourCC @rurallabouruk @NorfolkLabourCC Had a brilliant day following the River Waveney & north along the Yare to visit our #SouthNorfolk villages. We’re so lucky to have all this on our doorstep, but we must protect it. From water pollution to tackling the climate crisis we need change. On 4 July vote Labour. [Source]
  • 09 Jun 2024: Tweet

    BREAKING NEWS: The rain has stopped in #SouthNorfolk! Excellent listening to residents in Loddon with lots of issues brought up including welfare spending, tackling climate change and getting the NHS back on its feet. Residents are yearning for change - that’s for sure! #Win24 [Source]
  • 26 May 2024: Tweet

    Trowse you were gorgeous in the evening sun! Nearly as gorgeous as the chats we had with residents! We chatted about so much: Norfolk being a dental desert, pressure on teachers, Net Zero & our Armed Forces. Lovely to hear residents will be voting @UKLabour for change. #Win24 [Source]
  • 25 Mar 2024: Tweet

    This is what happens when we don't build enough homes. We end up in the serious situation where modern housebuilding techniques get offshored & end up costing the UK more. Net Zero housing cannot be maintained if key factories like this shut up shop. [Source]
  • 19 Sep 2023: Tweet

    As time goes on we see the UK Tory Government becoming more chaotic, out of its depth and unambitious for our country. Climate change isn’t something we can ignore. We must act now to put Britain at the heart of the global climate recovery. #GTTO #GeneralElectionNow [Source]
  • 26 Jul 2023: Tweet

    This is an extremely important project which will place #Flint at the forefront of 21st century energy production & manufacturing techniques. We need to decarbonise our economy & attract inward investment for new jobs: hydrogen production will do this. [Source]
  • 08 Jun 2023: Tweet

    British steel was the foundation of our local economy in #Flintshire & we need it to be our future as well. A @UKLabour Government knows how this industry can deliver the decent jobs we need & tackle the climate crisis with green steel. #SaveOurSteel [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2022: Tweet

    Do you know someone doing great work in #Flintshire to stand up for nature and tackle climate change? Why not nominate them for a Green Heart Hero Award today! ???? ???? Deadline closes Fri 16th December 2022. Find out more & submit your nomination???? [Source]
  • 27 Sep 2022: Tweet

    This is a great leap forward! Publicly owned green energy will simultaneously tackle the cost of living crisis, the climate change crisis & make sure we all take back control of one of the most important aspects of our lives. #Lab22 [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2022: Tweet

    The UK Tory Government only offers fossilised solutions to our problems. @UKLabour will drive forward modern change for our country. Green investment will deliver a #NetZero economy and decent jobs for communities like ours. #lab22 [Source]
  • 05 Aug 2022: Tweet

    Green Steel is not only vital to protecting our local economy in #Flintshire & the UK it will deliver our climate change goals. Fantastic work by @walestuc, @CommunityUnion, @GMBWSW & others in calling for this ambition to become a reality. [Source]
  • 10 Jun 2022: Tweet

    Once again the UK Tory Govt are getting all the big calls wrong. They continue to waste billions of £’s which could be used to improve public services, tackle climate change and secure well-paid, decent jobs for years to come. [Source]
  • 26 May 2022: Tweet

    This is a backwards step. The climate change crisis means we need to move towards renewables, green/blue hydrogen and nuclear. These are the jobs and fuels of tomorrow. But then again, we know the UK Tory Government doesn't like embracing the future! ????‍♂️ [Source]
  • 01 Jun 2020: Tweet

    This is an excellent report by @IPPRNorth. Not only does it show why supporting nature is important in tackling climate change, it shows why green spaces are vital for our personal health & economic resilience. Action is desperately needed & local people should be at its heart. [Source]

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