VoteClimate: Dave Robertson MP: Climate Timeline

Dave Robertson MP: Climate Timeline

Dave Robertson is the Labour MP for Lichfield.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Dave Robertson could have voted.

Dave Robertson is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Dave Robertson's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Dave Robertson

  • 7 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    Alongside that point, there is another really important issue. There has perhaps not been enough focus on the real value of the Bill in helping us to reach our net zero goals. This week, in large parts of my constituency a large number of farmers have again found their fields replaced by some type of aquatic environment because of flooding. Yet again, King’s Bromley has almost been cut off. Climate change is real. Climate change is here. It is having an economic impact and a social impact—a real-world impact. We need to take steps to achieve our goals. Allowing the Crown Estate to partner with Great British Energy in the way the Bill proposes, allowing it to drive down the carbon cost of our energy and help us to move to that just transition, will not only cut energy bills everywhere in the country—Lichfield, Burntwood, the villages and everywhere—but drive up investment and bring economic growth everywhere across the UK. It will also help us to meet our obligations on the climate crisis, which will have a material impact on the lives of our children, our children’s children and all generations to come.

    Full debate: Crown Estate Bill [Lords]

  • 13 May 2024: Tweet

    Absolutely great to see the wildflowers coming back into bloom at St Chad's on my walk into town this morning. More great work from @lichfield_cc providing a great view, a habitat and food for those all important pollinators and doing our bit on climate change. [Source]
  • 14 Nov 2023: Tweet

    More soap opera from the withered hump of what used to be a Tory party. More concerned about arguing and gesturing to their own right wing than actually governing Meanwhile the rest of us have to live through a cost of living crisis, NHS crisis, housing crisis, climate crisis... [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023: Tweet

    Couldn't make it up - on the same night that the PM has thrown in the towel and capitulated to the climate sceptics and short sighted. I've just got down to @Lichfield_DC for a Climate Change Task group [Source]
  • 12 Sep 2023: Tweet

    ICYMI: Facts and figures from this years' #BackToSchoolBank: ????‍????‍????‍????120 families supported ????250 children benefited ♻️275kg of school uniform recycled ????5,500kg of CO2e emissions cut [Source]
  • 15 Aug 2023: Tweet

    This is great from @LichfieldRe_Cyc. Encouraging people to use more active transport will improve air quality combat climate change and tackle obesity all at once. I'm proud that @lichfield_cc has been able to provide funding for the event. [Source]
  • 25 Jul 2023: Tweet

    Pretty successful #Lichfield City Council meeting yesterday, I'd say: ✅£10,000 fund for holiday activities ✅Set up a new climate change & biodiversity committee ✅Supported solar panels being installed at Curborough Community Centre [Source]
  • 17 Feb 2023: Tweet

    Buses are a real lifeline and especially in areas like our District. Getting public transport right is essential to building a fairer country, fighting climate change and making sure everyone benefits from economic growth. It's time to put buses back in the hands of local people. [Source]
  • 17 Jul 2022: Tweet

    "More of the same" Sunak "I signed (bad) trade deals, you can trust me" Truss "I'll do it differently, but not gonna say how" Mordaunt "Ignore climate change, save money" Badenoch "Didn't you know I was in the army?" Tugendhat I am not optimistic about the next PM [Source]
  • 17 Jul 2022: Tweet

    I wonder if anyone has thought to try and find a link between the high temperatures this week and the rampant cost of energy at the moment????? Both are functions of the same problem: fossil fuel use. We can only solve the long term issues here by decarbonising the economy [Source]
  • 02 Jul 2022: Tweet

    My contribution for #NationalMeadowsDay. There is no way to fight climate change without protecting biodiversity - and one way to do that is by turning our lawns back into meadows. They also look class [Source]
  • 13 May 2022: Tweet

    Great to be out on the #LabourDoorstep this evening talking to people about plans to improve open spaces and tackle climate change. Any suggestion that the Sun was in my eyes for this photo is....true [Source]
  • 09 May 2022: Tweet

    This is a welcome step to solving the #BlueBagBallsUp but given that Cllr Yeates was also the (failing) cabinet member for climate change, and Cllr Little won't be taking this role on - who will be responsible for making sure LDC acts on the climate emergency @Douglas_Pullen? [Source]
  • 25 Feb 2022: Tweet

    Great to see @lichfield_cc following through and delivering @UKLabour's plan for cycle parking in Lichfield! Encouraging people to use active transport is essential to tackling climate change and giving people places to safely leave their bikes is an important part of this. [Source]
  • 04 Jan 2022: Tweet

    Over two years now since Lichfield District Council declared a climate emergency - and the Conservative leadership *still* haven't put together a plan to do anything about it [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2021: Tweet

    Thanks to all the volunteers (including the camera shy!) who came out to help plant 200 bluebells, 200 snowdrops and a pear tree this morning. Really important that good words on climate change are followed by actions. #CarbonCapture #Biodiversity #ClimateCrisis #Lichfield [Source]
  • 26 Oct 2021: Tweet

    I wonder if LDC will have actually published a climate action plan by then - 690 days since we declared a climate emergency. ???????? I won't be holding my breath. [Source]
  • 08 Sep 2021: Tweet

    3) Continue to ignore global economic drivers by: - having no plan to increase inward investment or productivity - ignoring the escalating climate crisis - signing trade deals which undermine British farming standards [Source]
  • 12 Mar 2021: Tweet

    Some good news for everyone's Friday - big reductions in the carbon footprint of @lichfield_cc street lighting #CarbonFootprint #LED #ClimateEmergency #Lichfield [Source]
  • 13 Oct 2020: Tweet

    That was a busy Council meeting! Pressing for scrutiny of a £100k budget and action on the gender pay gap, supporting movement to fix #Friarsgate, seconding a motion to help combat climate change and, speaking in favour of blended meetings in future. Now ... time for food. [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2020: Tweet

    @lowcarbonlich @StevenGNorman @ashleyyeates @DarrenEnnis @hawthornesbiz @LizClements @Sue_Woodward @paul_flanagan @CllrRichardECox Really important to act on the climate emergency and soon. I'm looking forward to working with Transition Lichfield ovet the next month to encourage carbon sequestration from the atmosphere. #SmallStepsCanMakeBigWaves [Source]
  • 20 Aug 2020: Tweet

    Great to be able to pop down to the 'bund' earlier to help Lichfield City Council plant up the area to make it more attractive, to create a habitat for wildlife and help tackle climate change. #LoveLocal #Volunteering #Lichfield #Netherstowe #planting #CarbonCapture [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2019: Tweet

    @RuthDreumel My main focus as an MP will be: Investment in the green economy to tackle climate change. A £10 living wage for all, immediately. Proper funding for local councils and public services like the NHS. Reverses to policing cuts. Ensuring everyone has a safe and affordable home. [Source]
  • 22 Nov 2019: Tweet

    I've taken @friends_earth's #ClimateActionPledge. If elected I'll put the climate first when I vote in parliament. We're in a #ClimateEmergency and must rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions for a greener and fairer society. #ClimateElection [Source]
  • 21 Oct 2019: Tweet

    Current debate at #Lichfield City Council: Opposition parties suggesting we declare a climate emergency, Tories arguing against it on the basis that we did something environmental in the past. Not sure I understand the thinking #ClimateEmergency [Source]

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