VoteClimate: Freddie Van Mierlo MP: Climate Timeline

Freddie Van Mierlo MP: Climate Timeline

Freddie Van Mierlo is the Liberal Democrat MP for Henley and Thame.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Freddie Van Mierlo could have voted.

Freddie Van Mierlo is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Freddie Van Mierlo's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Freddie Van Mierlo

  • 10 Dec 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    If we truly believe that there is a climate emergency, and I do, rural Britain must be part of the transformation, too. Reduced motor traffic limits carbon dioxide emissions and reduces nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter, with both gases linked to respiratory failure, stroke, heart disease, dementia and premature death. Do not think that just because rural areas are surrounded by fields that the risk is not present in the countryside, too. Historic towns can create choke points, quite literally, as vehicles move through them. Watlington’s Couching Street has been an air quality management area since 2009, as traffic passes through in search of the M40. Again, cycling must be part of the picture, and that is before we talk about the mental health benefits, which I will perhaps leave others to touch on.

    Full debate: Rural Cycling Infrastructure

  • 28 Sep 2023: Tweet

    ‘Daddy, why didn’t you do more to end the climate emergency?’ ‘Balance of payment reasons’ [Source]
  • 19 May 2023: Tweet

    Delighted to have been chosen to be cabinet member for Climate change and nature recovery. [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2022: Tweet

    Oxfordshire Tories think it’s not our job to tackle the climate emergency at county. I say it is. ????Coningsby 40.2C ????Heathrow 40.2C ????Kew Gardens 40.1C ????Northolt 39.9C ????Cambridge 39.9C ????St James’s Park, London 39.9C [Source]
  • 10 Jul 2022: Tweet

    As we will debate (yet again) the menus of councillors at the request of tories - it’s worth remembering that farmers will not be immune from the impacts of climate change #ClimateCrisis [Source]
  • 27 Mar 2022: Tweet

    BREAKING NEWS: Lib Dems and Oxfordshire Fair Deal Alliance bringing zero emissions buses to Oxford thanks to our successful bid. Still waiting to hear from government on our bid for money for the rest of Oxfordshire ???? [Source]
  • 07 Aug 2021: Tweet

    Last week Conservative Cllr David Barthomew complained in the Henley Standard that Lib Dems were wasting “a huge amount of time“ on the climate emergency. We will wear this attempted slur as a badge of honour. We make no apologies for making the climate emergency a priority [Source]
  • 02 Dec 2016: Tweet

    This has been an awful year says Vestager. Paris agreement and CETA rays of light in dark times #ALDECongress [Source]
  • 06 Oct 2016: Tweet

    @NatBuster This is not about nimbyism it's about globalism and meeting Paris agreement commitments [Source]
  • 12 Mar 2016: Tweet

    Very happy that LibDems emphatically vote to ban #fracking in England, supporting Paris Agreement #ldconf [Source]

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