Jim Allister is the TUV MP for North Antrim.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Jim Allister could have voted.
Jim Allister is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)
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We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Jim Allister
In Northern Ireland I have seen proposals for offshore energy, particularly in the South Down area, that have provoked great and rightful opposition from the fishing industry, leading to substantial difficulties. Yet it is quite clear that where the Bill talks about sustainable development, it is not in respect of the historic use of our seas as fishing grounds but in respect of our seas as sites for offshore wind energy. As another hon. Member said, there is a tension between offshore wind farms and fishing. It seems from the Bill that the Government have made up their mind about which is the priority. We have heard in this debate that the definition of sustainable development specific to the Bill will be very much orientated to the climate change theology. It will therefore place the need for wind farms above the needs of the fishing industry, which will not serve the interests of our coastal communities well. There is a need to reinstate some balance in that regard.
Full debate: Crown Estate Bill [Lords]