VoteClimate: Jonathan Brash MP: Climate Timeline

Jonathan Brash MP: Climate Timeline

Jonathan Brash is the Labour MP for Hartlepool.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Jonathan Brash could have voted.

Jonathan Brash is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Jonathan Brash's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Jonathan Brash

  • 27 Nov 2024: Tweet

    Utter garbage. Advanced Modular Reactor nuclear technology can decarbonise industry, provide cheap energy and secure jobs and growth for communities I represent. [Source]
  • 14 Oct 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    In my brief remarks—I do not want to take up too much the House’s time—I want to impress three things on the Minister. First, the delivery of new nuclear for towns such as Hartlepool and elsewhere is integral to our mission to secure clean power. Secondly, it is incredibly important for decarbonising our industry, particularly the advanced modular reactor options potentially available in Hartlepool. Thirdly, and most importantly, new nuclear can deliver for communities such as mine the reindustrialisation and prosperity that has been taken from them for generations; it can truly transform our local economy. My message to the Minister is that time is of the essence. Decisions are required. We have had 14 years of dither and delay. Now we can truly change our communities for the better.

    Full debate: Nuclear Industry: Cumbria

  • 08 Oct 2024: Tweet

    RT @HPoolMail: 'Green energy super power' - #Hartlepool hosts businesses to discuss multi-billion pound nuclear project:… [Source]
  • 04 Oct 2024: Tweet

    Today, the Labour government has announced a £22 billion investment into carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects over the next 25 years, with Teesside at its heart. Our area was once the engine room of the British economy and under this government, we will be again. [Source]
  • 22 Jul 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    Right now, we are witnessing a new industrial revolution sweep the world as we shift to a net zero future. Whereas our past was in coal and ships, our future is in new nuclear, wave and tidal. The election of this Labour Government means that revolution is finally coming to our shores, with a national wealth fund investing in jobs in every part of the country, a proper industrial strategy that forges a real partnership with business, and Great British Energy, which will make the UK a clean energy superpower.

    Full debate: Economy, Welfare and Public Services

  • 18 Mar 2022: Tweet

    Net zero makes us independent as a nation - it ends our reliance on foreign regimes who do not share our values. [Source]

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