VoteClimate: Keir Mather MP: Climate Timeline

Keir Mather MP: Climate Timeline

Keir Mather is the Labour MP for Selby.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2023 in which Keir Mather could have voted.

Keir Mather is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Keir Mather's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Keir Mather

  • 10 Feb 2025: Tweet

    We’ve made this decision to provide energy security for Britain, secure value for money for bill payers, and to push us toward a sustainable energy future. It shows that the Government is committed to clearing up the mess we inherited last July. [Source]
  • 21 May 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    The best way to cut fuel poverty is through a nationwide home upgrade scheme, but the Secretary of State seems unaware of the reality when it comes to home upgrades. Her officials said in recent documents given to the High Court that progress to decarbonise the UK’s building stock has been slow, that policy gaps remain and that the Government are lagging behind. Why will she not admit in public what her Department tells her in private?

    Full debate: Fuel Poverty

  • 16 Oct 2023: Parliamentary Speech

    I hold those convictions not only as a Labour Member of Parliament, but as somebody who is deeply patriotic, who believes that Britain should lead the world and set an example for what it means for the Government to serve their citizens. That belief in progressive patriotism is defined by my experience as a young person. I am the first Member of Parliament to have been born after the last Labour Government took power in 1997. I know that some Members may want to close their ears at that fact, but it means that I have grown up in a world destabilised by the technological revolution, climate crisis and war, and I will live through a century of unparalleled global upheaval.

    In the face of those challenges, myself and other young people believe that Britain has a duty to become a leader again. When globalisation has failed to solve challenges such as the climate crisis, British business and British workers must lead the world in securing green prosperity and winning the race to net zero. When the age of peace on the European mainland is over, and America’s ability to provide stability is in question, the UK must lead in NATO, support our European partners, and enhance our armed services’ ability to defend our interests. When democratic ideals are threatened, either by autocratic regimes or the destructive power of terrorist organisations such as Hamas, the UK must defend our allies overseas, uphold international law and human rights, and strengthen our democracy at home, protecting civil liberties, enhancing trade union rights, and pursuing meaningful devolution of powers across our United Kingdom.

    Full debate: Early Years Childcare

  • 01 Sep 2023: Tweet

    Great to meet @nickatkin_yh yesterday, discussing how to win the race to net zero in North Yorkshire by investing in affordable and sustainable housing for all. Thanks so much @yhousing for having me! ????️ [Source]

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