VoteClimate: Mr Paul Kohler MP: Climate Timeline

Mr Paul Kohler MP: Climate Timeline

Paul Kohler is the Liberal Democrat MP for Wimbledon.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Paul Kohler could have voted.

Paul Kohler is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Paul Kohler's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Paul Kohler

  • 24 Dec 2024: Tweet

    This is the type of nonsense that plays into the hands of the climate change sceptics????????‍♂️ The environmental movement must not collapse into a puritan pastiche???? [Source]
  • 16 Dec 2024: Tweet

    Pleased to have participated on the roundtable hosted by Lib Dem Lord’s transport spokesperson, Baroness Randerson, on Zemo’s roadmap to Net Zero. I’m proud to be working with them to secure Net Zero transport in the UK. Read the full report here: [Source]
  • 5 Dec 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    As we have heard from colleagues across the House, the current state of public transport simply is not good enough. Ticket prices are too high, services are too unreliable, infrastructure is too old and capacity is too meagre—and that is just for those who have access to public transport. Too many parts of our country have no meaningful access to public transport whatsoever. After years of routes being cut and timetables being foreshortened, many people no longer have access to a regular bus service despite living many miles distant from any rail network. This is hampering our economy, holding back local communities and damaging our high streets. Our public transport system should be the engine of growth and opportunity, not an impediment to them. If we are to reach the Government targets on economic growth and net zero we must take rapid and urgent steps to improve our public transport provision. We simply do not have time to tarry.

    Too much time has been wasted, and we do not have time to waste. Public transport is vital to our economy, to widening opportunity and our transition to net zero. As a Londoner, I realise that I am blessed by the public transport system that we have in the capital. Despite sometimes justified criticism of Transport for London, it stands as an exemplar of what can be achieved via a co-ordinated transport strategy and a non-ideological approach to ownership, working with both public and private providers to create an integrated transport network. As we heard from colleagues across the House, the situation is very different across much of the country. I hope that the Secretary of State and the Chancellor are both listening.

    Full debate: Improving Public Transport

  • 25 Nov 2024: Tweet

    Congrats to @LouHaigh⁩ on today’s launch of the Jet Zero Taskforce Pleased “it will also explore… non-CO2 impacts of aviation… to account for the sector’s overall environmental impact” but sad no mention of noise reduction in achieving sustainability [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    With many of our current lines at maximum capacity, we desperately need investment in our rail network to encourage rail freight, improve consumer choice and push forward the transition to net zero. We also need to replace existing infrastructure that has reached the end of its useful life. The District line in my constituency of Wimbledon is notorious for breakdowns, cancellations and delays. It needs investment urgently.

    Full debate: Transport Infrastructure Projects: Elizabeth Line

  • 29 Oct 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Efford, and I congratulate the hon. Member for Tamworth (Sarah Edwards) on securing this important debate. As we have heard, the current state of the electric van roll-out is simply not good enough. We are way behind what is needed to meet the target of 100% electric vehicle sales by 2035. Currently, less than 2% of light goods vehicles are electric, while so far this year, little more than 5% of new registrations are electric. That is behind not just the Government’s zero emission vehicle mandate of 10%, but what is being achieved in comparable European countries, including, as we heard, the Netherlands, Germany and France.

    Things are not improving, with worrying signs that the industry is stagnating. Since July, new electric van registrations have fallen every month. As the Climate Change Committee outlined last week, urgent action is needed for us to meet our national defined contributions under the Paris agreement. There is no time to delay. Transport is still the largest single emitter of greenhouse gases in the UK, responsible for 26% of the UK’s total emissions in 2021. Decarbonisation of the sector is consequently critical to meeting our targets.

    Full debate: Zero Emission Vans

  • 17 Oct 2024: Tweet

    Thanks to the constituents who gave up their time to talk to me about the climate crisis???? I promised to keep pressing the PM to adopt meaningful action; particularly on easy wins such as home insulation???? ⁦@FoEMerton⁩ ⁦⁦@SustainableMert [Source]
  • 19 Sep 2024: Tweet

    Delighted to be made Lib Dem Shadow for Transport. As our manifesto made clear, improving transport essential to economic growth, meeting our climate change commitments and spreading opportunity. I look forward to working with & challenging the Government to ensure we do so. [Source]
  • 27 Jun 2024: Tweet

    The Conservative government has failed miserably to get to grips with the climate emergency. We need action – and we need it now. ????A vote for me is a vote to tackle the climate crisis, and preserve our precious environment for our children. [Source]
  • 27 Jun 2024: Tweet

    The Lib Dems have an ambitious plan to tackle the climate crisis. While the Tories have broken countless promises on climate action, we are pledging: ????90% renewable energy by 2030 ????Free retrofits and tax incentives to reduce household energy use ????60 million new trees a year [Source]
  • 27 Jun 2024: Tweet

    Our natural environment is precious. That’s why protecting it is one of my priorities. If elected as your MP, I will fight to: ????Achieve net zero emissions by 2045 ????End sewage dumping in rivers like the Wandle ????Stop the All England Tennis Club concreting over Wimbledon Park [Source]
  • 21 Jun 2024: Tweet

    Well deserved praise in today’s @thetimes We might smile & laugh but we’re deadly serious about sorting social care, saving the NHS, cleaning up our rivers, green investment, net zero, more community policing, building homes, ending childhood poverty & reengaging with Europe. [Source]
  • 25 Apr 2024: Tweet

    I'm a proud supporter of the Climate and Nature Bill—which will put us on the path to restore nature—as part of the just transition to a cheaper, cleaner energy future. Take a look at @zerohour_uk's #EarthDay film—and sign up to back the #CANBill today. [Source]
  • 31 Dec 2023: Tweet

    This is why I’m a Lib Dem. As Ed makes clear the only way to mend our broken politics, fix our shattered economy and address the climate crisis is to change the UK’s political system, re-engage with Europe and re-establish our standing in the world. [Source]
  • 05 Nov 2022: Tweet

    Many thanks to @EdwardJDavey taking time to talk to voters in Wimbledon today, before @bbclaurak tomorrow & @BBCr4today on Monday, about our plans to address the cost of living crisis, the climate change emergency, the plight of refugees & our increasingly polarised politics. [Source]
  • 21 Sep 2021: Tweet

    Not enough energy, CO2, HGV drivers, hospitality staff, care workers, farm labourers or competence. No US trade deal, honesty, back up plans or solutions. How can you continue to support this bunch of incompetent chancers ⁦@S_Hammond⁩? [Source]
  • 14 Sep 2021: Tweet

    Great work from our brilliant Abbey ward council candidate @BarryNL It’s time @Merton_Council helped, rather than hindered, attempts to address the climate emergency. #HeartsAndMinds [Source]
  • 06 Sep 2020: Tweet

    Had some really helpful conversations with Raynes Park residents on school streets & traffic calming proposals in Raynes Park. So important that @Merton_Council keeps residents fully informed so that we can move forward together on climate change, air quality & safer cycling. [Source]
  • 14 Jul 2020: Tweet

    Thanks to all involved in developing @Merton_Council’s #ClimateChange strategy. Good to see members of different political parties & none working together, including Lib Dem @JeniferGouldCH, Green Party @pippamaslin, Tory @DanHolden85 & Labour’s Tobin Byers. [Source]
  • 08 Jul 2020: Tweet

    @andygmckay @JoelPunwani Thanks Joel & Andy. Yes I am strongly backing @EdwardJDavey I love @LaylaMoran but it is very clear to me that we need Ed’s leadership & vision to get us over the line here. His record as Energy & Climate Change minister is 2nd to none & people really respect all he achieved. [Source]
  • 18 Jun 2020: Tweet

    As the UK’s historically most environmentally progressive Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change, Ed can speak with real authority, rather than hope, on the Green Revolution he’s planning. Please respond & retweet. [Source]
  • 04 Jun 2020: Tweet

    Our party & this country needs a leader with passion, humanity and judgement. As Ed proved as Secretary of State for Energy & Climate change he has the vision & strength of character to lead the Green recovery critical to all our futures... [Source]
  • 09 Jan 2020: Tweet

    @williams4merton @S_Hammond @MertonTories @grettsSW19 I suspect our ambitions are similar David. A fairer, more tolerant world. I came to politics late, concerned about the legacy we’re bequeathing our children re climate change, isolationism, popularism & deprivation. I never expected the lies & tribalism. [Source]
  • 04 Jan 2020: Tweet

    @MabelFonge @MertonLabour @Merton_Council @S_Hammond @BorisJohnson @LGAcomms @MertonLibDems It is one of many imperfect responses to our throwaway culture. If we’re serious about climate change we must reduce, reuse and recycle. Evidence shows land fill produces more greenhouse gases so, provided it doesn’t breach toxicity limits, I prefer incineration to landfill. [Source]
  • 31 Dec 2019: Tweet

    @Skemperoony Thank you. We’ve enjoyed working with @MertonGreens & I’ve learnt much from @pippamaslin, @GreenRedSonja & @CharlesBarrabal. Though we’re separate parties with different ideologies there’s much to unite us & I hope we can work together on climate change, Heathrow & PR etc. [Source]
  • 23 Dec 2019: Tweet

    @HaydonsNorth @Merton_Council @lovewimbledon I have raised this with @JeniferGouldCH who is on @Merton_Council’s Climate Emergency working group and will take it forward with them. [Source]
  • 18 Dec 2019: Tweet

    Thanks I’m asking @JeniferGouldCH of @MertonLibDems, who’s a member of @Merton_Council’s climate emergency working group, her thoughts on this initiative. I also wonder whether we could use these bikes to replace cars for delivering leaflet bundles etc to deliverers. [Source]
  • 06 Dec 2019: Tweet

    It would have been instructive to hear your views on this example of the Tory government’s climate (in)action at the @XRMerton Climate Hustings @S_Hammond... #ClimateEmergency #ClimateDebate #ClimateInaction [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2019: Tweet

    At last night's #ClimateDebate, @joswinson showed what it means to lead on tackling the climate emergency. Liberal Democrats have a clear, bold plan to build a #BrighterFuture for our planet. See our full plan here ???? [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2019: Tweet

    @GreenRedSonja @MertonGreens I’m very grateful for your selfless act & that decision reached by a “strong majority” of @MertonGreens. I’ll do my utmost to repay your trust by winning Wimbledon; stopping Brexit; combatting climate change & introducing PR so this is last time anyone has to vote tactically. [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2019: Tweet

    @peaco_phil @MertonLibDems @unitetoremain @MertonGreens We already do in a small way on litter picks & I have in the past invited a @MertonGreens member to accompany me in meeting with officers on electric car charging points. I also know that @JeniferGouldCH & @pippamaslin working together on @Merton_Council’s Climate Emergency WG [Source]
  • 05 Nov 2019: Tweet

    We have a cunning plan... Let’s #StopBrexit & spend the money we’d lose & time we’re wasting on the NHS, social care, affordable housing and tackling the climate emergency. For more details #BrighterFuture #Kohler4Wimbledon [Source]
  • 16 Oct 2019: Tweet

    Delighted that young people from @UKYP joined a group of 4 councillors on the Overview & Scrutiny Commission’s climate change review last night. I, along with Merton Park Indeps’ Peter Southgate and my 2 @merton_labour colleagues, were really impressed by your ideas & eloquence. [Source]
  • 08 Oct 2019: Tweet

    @kwrightwrites @NicolaHorlick @HinaBokhariLD @BeatriceLibDem Many thanks Kate. We’re getting an amazing reception on the doorstep. Voters hungry for meaningful change and a better way of doing things. The @LibDems will stop Brexit, introduce STV, decarbonise capitalism & address the huge inequalities in our society. [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2019: Tweet

    Excellent presentation from council officer Katie Halder, on challenges facing @Merton_Council in addressing the climate emergency, at tonight’s Wimbledon Community Forum. We need to do more to publicise the Forum as more councillors/officers than residents here tonight! [Source]
  • 01 Jul 2019: Tweet

    @swlondonbloke @AJ_Fairclough @BarryNL @MertonLibDems @JeniferGouldCH @EdwardJDavey @SueWixLD @LibAbbey @DundonaldLibDem @WestBarnesld @LibDems John, in all sincerity, it’s good to work together on issues that should transcend party politics. That’s why we are working with you on the climate change motion (as we did with @MertonGreens on the #PeoplesVote campaign, electric car charging & litter picks). [Source]

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