VoteClimate: Steff Aquarone MP: Climate Timeline

Steff Aquarone MP: Climate Timeline

Steff Aquarone is the Liberal Democrat MP for North Norfolk.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Steff Aquarone could have voted.

Steff Aquarone is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Steff Aquarone's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Steff Aquarone

  • 27 Jan 2025: Tweet

    North Norfolk's coastline is such a special place -- I'd argue, one of the most special on earth ???? That's why we must do all we can to protect it. I attended a Save Happisburgh campaign meeting over the weekend, to hear from the folk on the frontline of climate change. [Source]
  • 17 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    Anyone who wants to tackle climate change knows that it makes sense to put solar panels on the roofs of new builds. Anyone who wants to move into a house with low or no energy costs knows it, and anyone who is worried about excess solar farms being installed in our fields knows it, too.

    Full debate: New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill

  • 07 Jan 2025: Tweet

    The climate crisis is real. It impacts us in North Norfolk every day. From flooding & coastal erosion to food production, our way of life is reliant on finding solutions - fast! That's why I'm backing the @zerohour_uk campaign for a joined-up approach to the climate crisis. [Source]
  • 20 Nov 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    Whenever we discuss damaging floods, which are becoming all the more regular, we must address the elephant in the room that is man-made climate change. It is no coincidence that we see more extreme weather events, storms and flooding when our climate is being so drastically damaged. If we do not deviate from the course of climate crisis, resilience measures will become obsolete as the emergency worsens. The current modelling on what we need to prevent and alleviate flooding looks backwards at data and trends from the past, but climate change is bringing extreme weather and flooding that we have never seen before. If we cannot handle what has gone before, we do not stand a chance of tackling what has yet to come. We have to incorporate the climate emergency into our thinking on this issue far more realistically.

    Norfolk is proudly at the cutting edge of the green energy transformation that we need to fight climate change. We are proud to be playing our part in saving the planet, but if the homes of those working on these projects, and the businesses and suppliers for them, are flooding, and the infrastructure itself is at risk of flooding, we cannot help. We want to play our part and we need the support to do so.

    Full debate: Flood Preparedness: Norfolk

  • 15 Oct 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    From tackling climate change and preventing sewage spilling into the sea, to helping people get work and get about—let alone get a dentist appointment—so much of the change this country badly needs is not limited to one pillar of the state, but cross-cuts different Departments. Perhaps it is time to move away from the traditional silos of Secretaries of State for education, health, and transport, and instead adopt a more citizen-focused model. Imagine Secretaries of State for the citizen experience, for wellbeing and prosperity, for children or for data and privacy.

    Full debate: House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill

  • 20 Jul 2024: Tweet

    Appointing a Minister for Coastal Communities would be a game-changer. That's what I urged the Prime Minister to do this week. We face unique challenges living on the coast, including being on the front line of climate change. A joined-up approach is desperately needed. [Source]
  • 26 Jun 2024: Tweet

    @NorfolkBea @MVTFWD Absolutely. And I think we can tackle the cost of living at the same time as addressing climate change. Social justice and climate justice are two sides of the same coin. [Source]
  • 30 Jan 2024: Tweet

    I'm at @NorfolkCC this morning, and have asked the leader whether she believes we have the resources and procedures in place to prevent further flooding, which will only worsen with the impact of climate change. [Source]
  • 14 Jan 2024: Tweet

    Further evidence that the Tories are abandoning environmental policies at every level. This weekend I've called out the small print of their new climate policy, which quietly shifts net zero ambitions for Norfolk back by 20 years. [Source]
  • 12 Dec 2023: Tweet

    "We're one of the only cities not to have an outer ring road", says the @NorfolkTories leader to justify the quater-billion pound Western Link road. I imagine if it does go ahead, this will be a huge relief when swathes of Norfolk are under water due to climate change. [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2023: Tweet

    Shout out for the @NorfolkCC Highways and @AnglianWater gangs, @Norfolkfire, and @NorthNorfolkDC teams, who are working tirelessly to respond to the impact of last night's weather. If ever there was a local example of the effects of climate change, it's this. [Source]
  • 03 Oct 2023: Tweet

    Thanks so much, Charlie - it was a pleasure speaking and walking with you from Overstrand! Thank you for doing an amazing thing to raise awareness of the impact of man-made climate change on our coastal communities, and reminding us of what we can do to stop this happening. [Source]
  • 16 Sep 2023: Tweet

    @Norfolkforever It has indeed, but it's speeding up as a result of climate change, and my understanding is this fund is about preparing people for those effects... [Source]
  • 28 Nov 2022: Tweet

    Thanks Jamie - great to meet with you. A lot of solid, practical ideas about how Norfolk's councils can work together, cross-party, to pursue net zero. [Source]
  • 08 Oct 2022: Tweet

    An offshore ring main would take this new, green energy round the coast and into the heart of the grid where it's needed. Sunak supposed it. Truss has been silent. And MP @duncancbaker has chosen to back oil and gas expansion instead. Enough!! (3/3) [Source]
  • 08 Oct 2022: Tweet

    We are blessed with fantastic opportunities to develop sustainable, green energy from wind, tidal, and more. But the current system means this will involve carving an 80m cable corridor through the countryside for every development, without end. (2/3) [Source]
  • 05 Aug 2022: Tweet

    Knocked on 112 doors today- glad to be unwinding at @WellyPubCromer. A LOT of people mentioned the climate emergency on the doorstep today. We need political leaders who can act decisively and in the long term interest of our people and planet. [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2022: Tweet

    (By the way, @NorfolkTories are way behind some in their party. @CSkidmoreUK for example has said that he won't stand for Parliament again if the UK government abandons its net zero targets.) [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2022: Tweet

    Any climate change deniers want to challenge this? Any high profile members of @NorfolkTories for example? Source:NASA/BBC [Source]
  • 14 Jun 2022: Tweet

    I am so proud of what @NorthNorfolkDC are doing to tackle the climate emergency. While the Tories on Norfolk County Council build roads and behave like climate change deniers, it's local Liberal Democrats who are taking the lead in North Norfolk [Source]
  • 11 May 2022: Tweet

    "Norfolk's Conservative councils have been accused of being 'climate change deniers' susceptible to 'lies, vested interest and fake news'. Steffan Aquarone made the comments at a recent cross-party event organised by the Norwich Society." [Source]
  • 11 May 2022: Tweet

    Councillor [me] says Tory councils have 'climate change denier' mindsets [Source]
  • 10 May 2022: Tweet

    Another showdown on the Climate Emergency at @NorfolkCC. @saulpenfold read a series of submissions from young people in Norfolk explaining in honest, articulate ways, why words matter-and why they are so anxious about their future. @NorfolkTories might not hear you, but we do. [Source]
  • 28 Mar 2022: Tweet

    So regrettable - yet again, @NorfolkTories ignoring the seriousness of the climate emergency, and in this case, thousands of local people in Norfolk who signed the petition. [Source]
  • 28 Mar 2022: Tweet

    A central (if laughably so) plank of @NorfolkTories claim that they are acting on the climate emergency was about County Council lighting. Yet here we are today, at a Full Council meeting in the Spring sunshine, and car park and building lights are blazing... [Source]
  • 28 Mar 2022: Tweet

    Props to @foenorwich for managing to get the climate emergency to the top of the County Council's agenda. @NorfolkTories have exploited the rules on meeting length to prevent this topic being brought forward by members for nearly a year. [Source]
  • 24 Mar 2022: Tweet

    "Sunak is a low tax chancellor in the same way people who play play guitars in their bedrooms are rock stars... he cut fuel taxes by 5p [so] when your house is flooded by climate change, it will be cheaper to drive away from it" Thank you, @henrymance ! [Source]
  • 25 Feb 2022: Tweet

    I'm incredibly proud that, in amongst the downward pressure on budgets, and withdrawal of support for local councils from government, here in north Norfolk @NthNfkLibDems led @NorthNorfolkDC are taking real action on the climate emergency ???? ???? [Source]
  • 21 Feb 2022: Tweet

    "Time consuming, expensive... a PR exercise": one of @NorfolkTories on Citizens' Assemblies to tackle the climate emergency. Sadly he's the cabinet member responsible for taking environmental policy to the people in charge of the council! [Source]
  • 10 Dec 2021: Tweet

    @Ellis_Selway @ursula_juta Here in North Norfolk it's about tackling the climate emergency and at the same time investing in holistic sea defence systems to prevent our city's ringroad from becoming a coastal road (much of the land in question has incredible biodiversity and/or is AONB) [Source]
  • 09 Dec 2021: Tweet

    I’m very sorry to hear what residents in Mundesley have suffered in the past 24 hours. This is another example of how vulnerable we are to climate change and I have written to the Government to demand that more is done to protect our fragile coastline. [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2021: Tweet

    If anyone in @NorfolkTories wants to refer to an ambitious, costed, specific and progressive plan for Norfolk in the face of the pandemic and the climate crisis, happily our manifesto from May is still available online [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2021: Tweet

    Don't worry though - the actual *cabinet member* in charge of this for Norfolk County Council has just said that action on climate crisis is "not about how many electric charge points, or how many trees we plant." [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2021: Tweet

    "We know the action on the Environment isn't happening on this council, because we've had a cabinet member apologise to a select committee". Praising the work of @NorthNorfolkDC on tackling the climate crisis, @saulpenfold says the "NCC sloth" is yet to even wake up. [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2021: Tweet

    Really @EDP24, the line you're going with is "Buses delayed due to city centre protest"? There is a major global summit on tackling climate change and a significant number gathered in Norwich to protest alongside cities over the world. (1/2) [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2021: Tweet

    Many thanks for putting the day together - great to be united around our shared views as to the importance of tackling the climate emergency, and our impatience with the political status quo. [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2021: Tweet

    I was delighted and thankful for the opportunity to speak at the COP rally in Norwich today - urging people to go and bear witness to their current politicians about about climate emergency, and calling for voting reform so we get the politicians we actually vote for. #COP26 [Source]
  • 17 Oct 2021: Tweet

    @JCNow1000 "A small but important part" is what I said. It should be part of any landscaping project - and potentially many more use cases besides. But I'm sorry to say solving the climate crisis will take significantly more than tree planting. Not sure where we're disagreeing?! [Source]
  • 27 Sep 2021: Tweet

    Norfolk County Council's Cllr for Enviornment says declaring a Climate Emergency is a "little statement". Do you agree? [Source]
  • 27 Sep 2021: Tweet

    Norfolk County Council is back in the Chamber for the first time since March 2020. Today we'll be discussing the climate emergency, social care, footpaths, buses, offshore transmission networks and more... [Source]
  • 24 Sep 2021: Tweet

    Truly shocking that Norfolk County Council still hasn't declared a Climate Emergency when even the vast majority of TORY controlled councils have... @norfolktories clearly don't take this seriously even though some of their MPs claim to @GeorgeFreemanMP [Source]
  • 10 Aug 2021: Tweet

    The IPCC report is a wake up call on climate change - even the Express says so! Yet across the country, Tory councils like @NorfolkCC are refusing to declare it an emergency. The UK should lead the world; instead we're showing other countries that climate inaction is acceptable. [Source]
  • 07 Jun 2021: Tweet

    SURELY some of the Tories that are also Cllrs in Breckland who backed declaring a climate emergency in 2019 must be getting uncomfortable with the extinction-bound dinosaur mindset of the Tory administration on Norfolk County Council? [Source]
  • 05 Jun 2021: Tweet

    Biodiversity is key to tackling climate change. I am baffled by those who believe that this can be offset. (3/3) [Source]
  • 25 May 2021: Tweet

    If we want to do anything about climate change, we have to challenge the status quo. But it doesn't have to be hard!! Imagine being able to board a bus anywhere in Norfolk from a park-and-ride hub that's only a few minutes from where you live. (1/2) [Source]
  • 24 May 2021: Tweet

    Liberal Democrat Group Leader @LDBrianWatkins reminds members that we have less than 12 years to reverse the direction of travel on climate change. @LibDems-led @NorthNorfolkDC were front of the pack, yet @NorfolkTories continue to refuse to declare a Climate Emergency. [Source]
  • 21 Sep 2020: Tweet

    Local electricity generation is a huge opportunity for communities to get involved in our country's long-term response to the climate emergency. [Source]
  • 20 Jul 2020: Tweet

    Hear hear. I'm hugely looking forward to sharing our bold, visionary ideas for public transport in Norfolk with stakeholders, including bus operators, soon - as part of our wake up call for Norfolk in the face of Coronavirus, Brexit and the Climate Emergency. [Source]
  • 19 Mar 2020: Tweet

    So happy at how our @NorfolkLibDemCC climate emergency policy event just went - conducted entirely via @zoom_us and @googledocs. Many @LibDems have been out all day helping in their communities but still willing to try new things & some were able to join in who wouldn't normally. [Source]
  • 27 Feb 2020: Tweet

    This is a significant symbolic victory in the battle against climate change - courts are now taking governments' environmental policies seriously. I wonder what impact for Norfolk @NorfolkCC? [Source]
  • 01 Jan 2020: Tweet

    The main most important question I'll be asking at @NorfolkCC this year is: how will the Council #takethelead on the climate emergency, having committed to making Norfolk net neutral by 2030. That's a lotta money for rethinking public transport rather than roadbuilding, no? [Source]
  • 07 Dec 2019: Tweet

    Fantastic to meet Jess in Wymondham yesterday, who is studying Textile Design at Norwich University of the Arts. Like me she is worried about climate change - something many, many voters have agreed is bigger tham Brexit and their number one concern. [Source]
  • 03 Dec 2019: Tweet

    I've taken @friends_earth's #ClimateActionPledge. If elected I'll put the climate first when I vote in parliament. We're in a #ClimateEmergency and must rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions for a greener and fairer society. #ClimateElection [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2019: Tweet

    Hear hear- and here is Cllr Hubble showing #greeningwymondham that Liberal Democrats are actively tackling the climate emergency at all levels of government. [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2019: Tweet

    Mary Howard addresses a packed hall in Wymondham to discuss local action on climate change. Citizens of Wymondham seem willing to come together when the Conservative-controlled local council don't want to know. [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2019: Tweet

    At @NorfolkCC making the case for adopting the new Environmental Policy. A key test will be whether any projects - for example the Western Link - will be deemed unviable under this revised focus on reducing Norfolk’s carbon footprint to net zero by 2030? @StopWensumLink [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2019: Tweet

    @AaronSeekings2 @GeorgeFreemanMP @ogorman_pj @DrAdrianHeald Keen to hear what you think - what do you think MPs should be doing to help address the climate emergency? (Apart from bringing forward the net zero target like @NorfolkCC hopefully will) and passing progressive policies that actually achieve it. [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2019: Tweet

    @AaronSeekings2 @GeorgeFreemanMP @ogorman_pj @DrAdrianHeald Further to this, if elected I will lobby Norfolk County Council, of which I am a member, to take the lead on the climate change policy it's (hopefully) about to adopt this morning, which I was part of creating. [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2019: Tweet

    @AaronSeekings2 @GeorgeFreemanMP @ogorman_pj @DrAdrianHeald Hi Aaron, sorry for the delay. If elected, my primary goal in the interests of the environment will be to #stopbrexit. By remaining part of the only global club that has an incorporated commitment to tackling the climate emergency, we stand a far better chance of success. [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2019: Tweet

    We are being watched. Held to account. This an historic opportunity for our county to do the right thing and #takealead on halting the climate emergency in our county. [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2019: Tweet

    Powerful silence here at County Hall this morning. Calling on @NorfolkCC to #takealead on climate change. [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2019: Tweet

    Many thanks for your support. If we can't address the climate emergency, discussion of other policy areas becomes redundant. This is #biggerthanbrexit. [Source]
  • 04 Nov 2019: Tweet

    @theresa73733578 I'm also the Lib Dem climate change spokesperson on Norfolk County Council where I've been helping shape the Council's policy on the climate emergency. I realise none of these is a Mid Norfolk issue! But I'm already picking up a sense of what needs doing here. [Source]
  • 29 Oct 2019: Tweet

    @callumringer_ Thanks Callum. At this stage probably not: there is important work to be done on climate change. The other challenge is that Melton Constable division is set to be broken up in 2021 with the boundary reviews. [Source]
  • 15 Oct 2019: Tweet

    @msamperi @XRebellionUK @ExtinctionR Also, what they have achieved is mind-blowing. By all accounts they have won over hearts and minds. According to @TheWeekUK since their protests began, Climate Change has become one of the top three concerns of British people. [Source]
  • 12 Oct 2019: Tweet

    Hugely revitalising to have had the chance to contribute to Quaker Quest this morning. Big reminder of the connection between faith, action and politics - no more so than in response to the climate emergency. [Source]
  • 13 Aug 2019: Tweet

    BBC News - Greta Thunberg's zero carbon journey to climate change conference [Source]
  • 01 Aug 2019: Tweet

    @Grimeandreason Suits? Ben are you kidding, it’s turtlenecks all the way to the oyster bar these days... Although I don’t agree with your angry generalisation, I do think it’s time virtual conferences became the norm. @ExtinctionR, do you know of any climate emergency orgs that have done this? [Source]
  • 22 Jul 2019: Tweet

    Amazing - @NorfolkTories are so rattled by @NorfolkLabourCC 's motion on applying the Nolan Principles to care costs, they've moved on to randomly attacking me for supporting @NorwichXr 's direct action on Climate Change. Desperate times! [Source]
  • 22 Jul 2019: Tweet

    My colleague @ButikoferSarah- who ensured one of the 1st things @NorthNorfolkDC did when her team took over was declare a Climate Emergency- is told by @NorfolkCC leader he thinks this term is inappropriate. Not according to @billborrett who voted for it with @LGACons last week! [Source]
  • 22 Apr 2019: Tweet

    I predict that history will be harsh on politicians who condemn the disruptive effects of climate change protestors. [Source]
  • 15 Apr 2019: Tweet

    Happy that we got to debate three motions on climate change at @NorfolkCC this morning... sad that ours, calling on the Council to declare a climate change emergency, was defeated. Let's see what happens now... I fear precious little [Source]
  • 15 Apr 2019: Tweet

    I asked @NorfolkCC leader whether he agreed that we are currently facing a Climate Change Emergency and if not why not. His answer: simply no. [Source]
  • 17 Feb 2019: Tweet

    Here's something politics could do about climate change? 'Restoring world’s forests ‘would cancel out a decade worth of CO2 emissions’' [Source]
  • 11 Feb 2019: Tweet

    To all of them, I would simply say that without reform of the voting system and the ability to restore social justice, two-party politics will continue to dominate and climate change policies have about as much chance of passing as the @NorfolkLibDemCC budget amendment... (2/2) [Source]
  • 22 Sep 2011: Tweet

    There's so much change in the Arctic that it's causing an argument about mapping - surely climate change deniers must accept the cause? [Source]

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