Susan Murray is the Liberal Democrat MP for Mid Dunbartonshire.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Susan Murray could have voted.
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We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Susan Murray
The previous Conservative Government mishandled the economy and jeopardised public finances, which halted economic growth and increased the cost of our debt. Their bungled Brexit deal has harmed the economy and increased costs for businesses, with 38% of SMEs reporting that the UK’s exit from the EU has been a major obstacle to their success. Further compounding these challenges, the SNP cut more than £23 million from net zero and energy spending, breaking its promises and reducing crucial investment in renewable energy infrastructure. That decision directly impacted opportunities to lower energy costs for businesses, despite the fact that 72% of SMEs identify energy expenses as a significant obstacle to their success.
In my Mid Dunbartonshire constituency, some small businesses are facing electricity standing charges of £16 a day. The Scottish Chambers of Commerce quarterly economic indicator for Q3 2024 highlights anxieties about taxation in Labour’s autumn Budget. Pressures on cash flow and profit margins are already limiting growth and squeezing profits for businesses. Scotland, which hosts some of the largest wind farms in Europe, not only faces high energy costs for consumers, but fails to produce even a single wind turbine blade domestically. That fact is tied to the mismanagement of public contracts, including handing over £50 million to a firm that immediately collapsed, leaving no solution or recovery plan in place. Such setbacks not only undermine progress on renewable energy in Scotland, but limit the potential benefits for local businesses and communities.
Full debate: Scotland’s Economy
What makes Mid Dunbartonshire special is its people and communities. Like in other places, during covid the community stepped up to support each other, and groups are still helping with shopping and patient transport. There are groups of volunteers fighting climate change, reducing social isolation, providing mental health support and peer support, supporting carers, providing financial advice, helping with housing problems, looking after community buildings, preserving our heritage, knitting for peace, and promoting fair trade, performance art and more—tackling problems at home and internationally. Mid Dunbartonshire people care and take action. From listening to other maiden speeches, I know that that is happening all over the UK. Liberal Democrats want to harness that power for good.
Full debate: NHS Performance: Darzi Investigation