VoteClimate: Oral Answers to Questions - 28th October 2015

Oral Answers to Questions - 28th October 2015

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Oral Answers to Questions.

Full text:

Holly Lynch (Halifax) (Lab)

1. What progress her Department has made on its work on the effects of climate change in developing countries. ( 901837 )


The Secretary of State for International Development (Justine Greening)

We are doing climate-smart development. Through the international climate fund, the UK has helped over 15 million people cope with the effects of climate change and given 2.6 million people access to clean energy. My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister recently announced that over the next five years the UK’s climate funding will increase by at least 50%.


Holly Lynch

In 2015 we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make progress on both international development and climate change. In countries such as Bangladesh and in regions of Africa, the connection between climate change and child marriage is stark. Desperate families faced with failing crops, flooding and extreme weather impacting on their livelihoods and homes are deciding to see their daughters married earlier and earlier, in the hope that they will at least have a roof over their heads and food to eat. Too often that gamble is leaving girls at risk—


Holly Lynch

I hope that we will look to resolve climate change in order to deal with international development.


Justine Greening

The hon. Lady is right to point out that climate change has a number of different impacts that go well beyond the environment. She will know that last year we held the Girl summit, because it is all about increasing momentum to tackle child marriage worldwide. The UK now has a flagship programme in place to do just that.


Caroline Nokes (Conservative)

Some 660 million Africans currently have no access to power. Will my right hon. Friend explain what she is doing to ensure that global goal 7 is met, while at the same time being careful and cautious about climate change?


Mr Angus Brendan MacNeil (Na h-Eileanan an Iar) (SNP)

Is the right hon. Lady in any way concerned about the signals that the Department of Energy and Climate Chance might be sending out through its lack of support for renewable energy and the change in that regime, and what lessons other countries might draw from that?


Justine Greening

There are two aspects to tackling climate change. The first, of course, is mitigation, and many developed countries such as the UK have significant plans in place to transition to low carbon economies. The second is adaptation, which is the challenge for many developing countries. It is about how they can ensure that they not only adapt to climate change, which often hits them first, but grow sustainably and develop nevertheless.


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