VoteClimate: Renewable Energy Sector: High-skilled Jobs - 19th September 2023

Renewable Energy Sector: High-skilled Jobs - 19th September 2023

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Renewable Energy Sector: High-skilled Jobs.

Full text:

Theresa Villiers (Chipping Barnet) (Con)

16. What steps she is taking to help promote the creation of high-skilled jobs in the renewable energy sector. ( 906470 )


Claire Coutinho (Conservative)

This is a crucial area. There are already over 400,000 jobs in the renewable energy sector and that will rise steeply over time. We are investing billions in skills, including green skills and including 26,000 training opportunities in energy efficiency and low carbon heating.


Theresa Villiers

May I urge the Government to give real priority to the creation of apprenticeships in the renewable energy and green sector? That way, we can use net zero to create great opportunities for young people and boost social mobility.


Claire Coutinho (Conservative)

As a former Education Minister, I am absolutely passionate about this area. We have delivered almost 5.5 million apprenticeships since 2010. The Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero, my right hon. Friend the Member for Beverley and Holderness (Graham Stuart) chairs the green jobs delivery group, which will publish a net zero and nature workforce action plan in the first of half of 2024.


Claire Coutinho (Conservative)

Thanks to Government policy and spending, we will support another 480,000 jobs in the green sector by 2030. As I said, we are leading the way in decarbonising faster than any other G7 country, with the jobs that come with that right across the country.


Mark Logan (Bolton North East) (Con)

I, too, welcome the Secretary of State to her place and remind her that we started in this place at the same time, four years ago. Will she highlight the job opportunities in the new renewable energy sector that AI presents for my constituents in Bolton?


Claire Coutinho (Conservative)

My hon. Friend raises an interesting point about the job opportunities presented by AI, which will undoubtedly have an effect across the country and a beneficial effect in this sector. I would be delighted to meet him to speak about this further, but we will be setting out more detail on our green jobs delivery group and our net zero and nature workforce action plan in the first half of 2024.


Tim Farron (Liberal Democrat)

Would it not boost skills in renewable energy generation and installation, as well as encouraging more uptake, if all those installing solar energy schemes had to be certified under the microgeneration certification scheme so that the householder, farm or business concerned would be guaranteed payment for surplus energy fed into the grid?


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