VoteClimate: Renewable Energy: Public Funding - 9th April 2019

Renewable Energy: Public Funding - 9th April 2019

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate Renewable Energy: Public Funding.

Full text:

Kerry McCarthy (Labour)

3. What recent assessment the Government have made of trends in the level of public funding for renewable energy since 2010. ( 910297 )


Afzal Khan (Labour)

13. What recent assessment the Government have made of trends in the level of public funding for renewable energy since 2010. ( 910308 )


Robert Jenrick (Conservative)

I thank the hon. Lady for that question, but that is not our experience. The investment that I have just described that is going into the sector is very considerable. Renewable capacity has quadrupled since 2010. Renewables’ share of electricity generation increased to 33% last year—a record high. The UK is decarbonising and we are meeting our climate change targets.


Afzal Khan (Labour)

Members across the House recognise the importance of funding renewable energy policies to tackle climate change and improve air quality, but that does not go far enough. In Manchester, 126,600 children are growing up in an area with an unsafe level of air pollution. As the Mayor of Greater Manchester highlighted, further investment is needed to tackle the scale of the problem and protect the health of the most vulnerable—our children. Will the Chancellor commit to providing the wider resources needed to protect our children from toxic air?


Rebecca Pow (Taunton Deane) (Con)

Although there is clearly more to do on climate change, surely action taken by this Government since 2010—we have reduced greenhouse gases, we have got more low-carbon jobs, especially in my constituency, and we are investing billions in renewables—must show our commitment.


Clive Lewis (Labour)

Will the Minister join me in paying tribute to one of this country’s most successful publicly funded renewable energy programmes ever? I am of course talking about the last Labour Government’s export tariff, the feed-in tariff scheme, the biggest single democratisation of energy that the UK has ever seen, cutting 700,000 tonnes of carbon. This month, however, in an act of supreme national and international self-harm, the Government killed it off—kaput, finito, game over. In the real world, how can anyone, anywhere believe that this Government take their climate change obligations seriously?


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