VoteClimate: ECO4 and Insulation Schemes - 23rd January 2025

ECO4 and Insulation Schemes - 23rd January 2025

Here are the climate-related sections of speeches by MPs during the Commons debate ECO4 and Insulation Schemes.

Full text:

12:40 Andrew Bowie (Conservative)

I refer the Minister to the last words in her statement, which were that the Government will “ensure that families have lower bills.” There will always be a problem with insulation in a country with a massively degraded and older housing stock, which underlines the vital importance of cheap energy. We have had a month with virtually no wind and no sun, and so-called green energy is producing hardly any of our energy. We are importing energy, we are stopping drilling in the North sea and we are not building gas-fired power stations. What about old people? Their heating allowance has been taken away, and we are crucifying them with ever higher bills. Meanwhile, China—its annual increment in emissions is more than our entire emissions—is going on pumping out emissions, and “Drill, baby” Trump is pumping out emissions. Why are we crucifying our old people?


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