This page contains resources you may find useful when promoting and campaigning for VoteClimate.
We've compiled data to help with climate campaigning. Eg all MPs' tweets about climate and all MPs' parliamentary speeches mentioning climate compared to their voting records, and more. Please see Data Resources.
Please find our forecasts for the next general election including marginal seats, winnable seats for progressive parties and swings required to get action on climate on News & Analysis and Electoral Analysis.
We've created a petition to allow people to demand action on climate and to show their support for VoteClimate:
Please sign it. And please send it to your friends, as an initial step to get them involved in VoteClimate or as a reminder to join. The more people who sign it, the more it gets publicised by
Share the petition on X/Twitter, on WhatsApp, by Email.
If you're stuck for words to explain why your friends should join VoteClimate, please try our example recruitment email:
VoteClimate A5 leaflet (April 2023):
VoteClimate card inserts (Dec 2023):
VoteClimate A4 poster (May 2023):
If you're making your own VoteClimate campaign material you can use this QR code:
You can change your social media profile photo to the VoteClimate avatar to help raise awareness among your friends and contacts.