VoteClimate: Andrew Rosindell MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Andrew Rosindell MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Andrew Rosindell is the Conservative MP for Romford.

We have identified 30 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2010 in which Andrew Rosindell could have voted.

Andrew Rosindell is rated Anti for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 2
  • Against: 23
  • Did not vote: 5

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Andrew Rosindell's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 20 Climate-Related Tweets by Andrew Rosindell.

  • 12 Sep 2024 RT @trussliz: Britain is in an economic doom loop. Punitive taxes, Net Zero zealotry and a bloated state are driving business and growth a… [Source]
  • 28 Aug 2024 RT @NetZeroWatch: “Turning off street lamps to cut emissions is insanity. Our obsession with Net Zero is now turning into a clear threat to… [Source]
  • 23 Aug 2024 My latest column in the @RomfordRecorder out today, summing up the calamity of this left wing socialist government, allowing uncontrolled mass immigration, divisive identity politics, anti-growth high tax and borrowing, net zero fanaticism and letting prisoners out of jail early! [Source]
  • 17 Apr 2024 RT @NetZeroWatch: Conservative backbenchers have accused the government of being “out of touch” with the country on Net Zero policy. @andr… [Source]
  • 09 Feb 2024 RT @NetZeroWatch: Sir Keir Starmer's pledge to spend £28 billion each year on green projects has been scaled back to just just £5 billion a… [Source]
  • 07 Feb 2024 Let’s see the rest of the world follow our example before we insist on imposing unaffordable and unachievable Net Zero targets, making British people cold and poor whilst China gains a competitive advantage over us. The UK should switch focus to energy security self sufficiency! [Source]
  • 27 Jan 2024 RT @johnredwood: News of a further slump in UK steel production confirms the damage high energy and carbon taxes are doing to UK industry.… [Source]
  • 22 Sep 2023 RT @10DowningStreet: We're adopting a new approach to Net Zero - meeting upcoming targets without adding burdens to working families. Toda… [Source]
  • 21 Sep 2023 RT @AllisterHeath: The furious Blob will try to destroy Rishi Sunak for his net zero heresy - why this was the PM’s best speech ever https:… [Source]
  • 21 Sep 2023 RT @10DowningStreet: Today we're adopting a new approach to Net Zero that is pragmatic, proportionate and realistic – meeting upcoming targ… [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 RT @Conservatives: We’re going to get to Net Zero in a proportionate way that is mindful of the impact on families ???? @RishiSunak on our ne… [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 RT @RishiSunak: LIVE NOW: My new approach to Net Zero [Source]
  • 15 Aug 2023 RT @Facts4euOrg: Exclusive: EU pumps out over 22% more CO2 per person than Brexit Britain. Belgium, home to the EU Commission's 'Green Deal… [Source]
  • 07 Aug 2023 RT @NileGardiner: This is true. Lady Thatcher would have viewed Net Zero as a socialist big government abomination. [Source]
  • 06 Aug 2023 RT @NetZeroWatch: Let nobody say they weren't warned about China's real Net Zero agenda [Source]
  • 30 Jul 2023 RT @JuliaHB1: Tory Prime Ministers are being "systematically dishonest" about the £1 trillion cost of Net Zero, says ex-Chancellor Lord Ham… [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2023 RT @LeescoLee3: ‘I don’t even go down the climate change route’ HRH Princess Anne “Climate changes all the time. It has done so throughout… [Source]
  • 13 Aug 2022 RT @BIAZA: Today is #WorldElephantDay ???? Elephants face countless threats in the wild - from #ClimateChange to poaching. We cannot let thes… [Source]
  • 09 Sep 2021 RT @bournbrookmag: "If we get to ‘net zero’ while crippling our economy, we will likely end up facing the results of climate change caused… [Source]
  • 14 May 2021 RT @TheHouseLive: "Tackling climate change and biodiversity loss must be the UK’s number one international priority". Lord Randall and @An… [Source]

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