Angela Rayner is the Labour MP for Ashton-under-Lyne.
We have identified 19 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Angela Rayner could have voted.
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for votes supporting action on climate. (Why don't you Contact Angela Rayner MP now and tell them how much climate means to you?
We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Angela Rayner in the last 90 days
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I know that the devolution journey may not always be comfortable for politicians in Whitehall, but it is not supposed to be. After all, we are undergoing a generational power shift from Whitehall to the town hall. We have already seen a huge amount of good will from Labour Secretaries of State who are willing to give up newly won powers for the sake of our towns and cities. The Secretaries of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, for Transport, for Work and Pensions for Science, Innovation and Technology have led the devolution charge, and now the Prime Minister and I ask Members to do the same.
Full debate: English Devolution and Local Government