VoteClimate: Sir Bernard Jenkin MP: Climate Timeline

Sir Bernard Jenkin MP: Climate Timeline

Bernard Jenkin is the Conservative MP for Harwich and North Essex.

We have identified 30 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2010 in which Bernard Jenkin could have voted.

Bernard Jenkin is rated Anti for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 1
  • Against: 26
  • Did not vote: 3

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Bernard Jenkin's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Bernard Jenkin in the last 90 days

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  • 02 Feb 2025: Tweet

    I am keen on Net Zero and support decarbonisation, but it must be in a realistic context - but we must also worry about energy security, electricity prices and the mounting trade deficit ... [Source]
  • 16 Jan 2025: Tweet

    This is great brave stuff from @KemiBadenoch - honesty/brutal truth is her USP - Badenoch to admit Conservative ‘mistakes’ on Brexit, net zero and immigration in major speech - Badenoch admits ‘mistakes’ on Brexit, net zero and immigration in major speech [Source]
  • 26 Nov 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    I chair a cross-party group of MPs from Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. We are working to promote the Clean Power 2030 objective, but we want to deliver it more cheaply and quickly, because it is becoming increasingly clear that undergrounding high voltage direct current cables is the way forward for the great national grid upgrade. Undergrounding will carry public consent and will avoid delays, and will therefore be cheaper as well as better for the countryside. Relying on new lines of pylons for the entire upgrade, as proposed, will delay decarbonising the national grid, because they arouse such hostility and will end up costing more because of the delays.

    This debate is therefore not just local. Decarbonisation is one of the great national challenges that the United Kingdom faces. How it is achieved, how quickly and at what cost is an issue of national importance. The National Energy System Operator’s “Clean Power 2030” report is welcome, but it highlights the scale of the challenge. NESO is clear that public support is critical to achieving those ambitions, but its response to the Secretary of State in that document warns that losing public consent is a significant threat to delivering projects on time and within budget.

    and that the transition to net zero only works

    Underground HVDC offers a scalable, future-proof solution that can be delivered with far less environmental impact, with public support and much more quickly. Schemes without pylons that are already planned by National Grid—for example, in north-east England—are being delivered without public opposition or long delays, which seems to be an enormous advantage for the Government’s objective of decarbonising the grid. There is no comparable resistance from campaign groups, which is clear evidence that underground HVDC gets public support, making it a far more practical and feasible solution.

    I pay tribute to the hard work that the hon. Member has done cross-party on this issue for many years, and I am grateful to be joining that as another east of England MP. The issue of public consent is important, because the proposals could have such a huge impact on local communities. Developers suggest that they could provide community benefits, but with all due respect, the idea of having a community hall 5 miles down the road does not mitigate having massive pylons going past someone’s back garden. Does the hon. Member agree that the problem with regard to public consent is that people who are very well organised will understandably continue to kick up a fuss, which will delay the creation of the renewable energy that we absolutely need and certainly support?

    I am grateful for the hon. Lady’s intervention. As the new Liberal Democrat MP for Chelmsford, she demonstrates that this is a cross-party campaign, supported by people who are as committed to decarbonisation as anything else.

    Globally, HVDC is becoming the standard for modern energy networks. By investing in HVDC now, the UK can maintain its leadership in renewable energy, create jobs and develop skills that will keep us competitive. The alternative is clinging to outdated, mid-20th century technology that will leave us falling behind other countries. Germany will not give up HVDC undergrounding altogether, but that is the presumption in our planning system, which I suggest the Government need to revise.

    The Government must show decisive leadership and embrace an HVDC future. This is about more than just reducing costs and avoiding delays; it is about ensuring we meet our renewable energy goals in a way that works for communities, the environment, the economy and the planet.

    Full debate: Electricity Grid Upgrades

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