VoteClimate: Bob Blackman MP: Climate Timeline

Bob Blackman MP: Climate Timeline

Bob Blackman is the Conservative MP for Harrow East.

We have identified 30 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2010 in which Bob Blackman could have voted.

Bob Blackman is rated Anti for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 26
  • Did not vote: 4

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Bob Blackman's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Bob Blackman in the last 90 days

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  • 10 Feb 2025: Tweet

    Great to visit Whitefriars School to see their Friday enrichment afternoons. Students get a chance to learn new skills, including chess! I also watched the debating club talk about AI and the Net Zero club to learn about their plans to reduce the school's energy footprint. [Source]
  • 31 Jan 2025: Tweet

    RT @ConsPost: Hands Off Our Green and Pleasant Land Starmer! Labour’s Land Grab is an Attack on British Food Security "This net zero madne… [Source]
  • 30 Jan 2025: Tweet

    RT @afneil: I fear the judge is only interpreting the law as laid down by a massive bipartisan consensus in favour of net zero in the House… [Source]
  • 30 Jan 2025: Tweet

    RT @ConsPost: BRITAIN'S MOTOR INDUSTRY SLAMS INTO REVERSE AS NET ZERO MADNESS WRECKS PRODUCTION Britain’s once-thriving car industry is gr… [Source]
  • 12 Jan 2025: Tweet

    RT @ConsPost: Labour’s Net Zero Push Sparks Backlash Over Rising Energy Bills Over the past six months, the UK has consistently topped in… [Source]
  • 29 Dec 2024: Tweet

    RT @JamesMelville: China emits more CO2 than the rest of the developed world combined. But hey, let’s blame it on UK cow burps and wood bur… [Source]
  • 18 Dec 2024: Tweet

    RT @ClaireCoutinho: Oh dear. Either Labour is pursuing the highest carbon tax in the world which would kill British industry. Or they're… [Source]
  • 30 Nov 2024: Tweet

    RT @johnredwood: The government will give money to Mauritius to lease back an island we own. It will treble our climate change aid. Why do… [Source]

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