VoteClimate: Brian Mathew MP: Climate Timeline

Brian Mathew MP: Climate Timeline

Brian Mathew is the Liberal Democrat MP for Melksham and Devizes.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Brian Mathew could have voted.

Brian Mathew is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Brian Mathew's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Brian Mathew

  • 6 Feb 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    We must act now to end the vicious cycle that these countries are trapped in. Without being able to invest in development, countries are unable to grow their economies or fully escape debt. Furthermore, while in debt distress, countries may look to quick solutions that involve exploiting or exporting their natural resources to do so—extracting fossil fuels, mining or logging—and, in the process, worsening climate change. That disproportionately affects those in the global south, but also affects us here at home.

    Full debate: Low-income Countries: Debt Cancellation

  • 16 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    In 2010, when the current Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero was Secretary of State for the then Department of Energy and Climate Change, he announced funding for investigations of embryonic tidal technologies. Rolls-Royce and Atkins won the contract to do the study, and their work showed that a tidal scheme on the Aberthaw to Minehead route would generate per year 30.4 TW hours of electricity, significantly more than the Cardiff to Weston-super-Mare line, which was in the region of 20 TW hours per annum.

    I thank my hon. Friend for making an excellent point about the centrality of Somerset—in particular, the Minehead route just north of Taunton—to renewable energy. Does he accept that tidal range and tidal barrages and lagoons could make a significant contribution? As he pointed out so well, Swansea lagoon would have done up to 30 TWh, but we could do that across the UK. There could be tidal lagoons in Morecambe bay and in Cumbria, where one was proposed. That would bring investment to regions across the UK and not just benefit the south-west and Somerset.

    Full debate: Marine Renewables Industry

  • 02 Jul 2024: Tweet

    @helen_essery @MVTFWD Climate change... you better believe it [Source]
  • 29 Jun 2024: Tweet

    RT @LibDems: Tackling the climate crisis doesn't have to just be a cost. We can build the green jobs of the future, upgrade homes and bri… [Source]
  • 04 May 2023: Tweet

    World leaders have failed to do enough for people facing climate change, conflict and the cost of living crisis. Across East Africa, over 28 million people are already facing extreme hunger. Join me and urge the PM to act before famine is declared. [Source]
  • 06 Apr 2023: Tweet

    World leaders have failed to do enough for people facing climate change, conflict and the cost of living crisis. Across East Africa, over 28 million people are already facing extreme hunger. Join me and urge the PM to act before famine is declared. [Source]
  • 01 Dec 2022: Tweet

    @PercyBlakeney63 Giving a talk about it tonight in Malmesbury if your interested Andy.... Well it's on the climate emergency and various ways we are working on to solve it. Starts 7.30pm opposite the Kings Arms [Source]
  • 16 Aug 2022: Tweet

    To help solve the cost of energy & climate crisis change billing so that the first 5mwh of heat and 1mwh of electricity is charged at a subsidised rate which is paid for by those who consume more. This way the poorest can consume affordably up to this amount. Thoughts? [Source]
  • 14 Jul 2022: Tweet

    @NicolaDiamond @CarolineLucas And her acknowledgement of climate change... she was a scientist .... [Source]
  • 31 Mar 2022: Tweet

    Absolutely disgraceful, not only will this incinerator pump 250,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, poison the air we breathe with microparticulates and will likely put Arla foods out of Westbury losing 250 local jobs. Disgraceful cowardice from Wiltshire Council. [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2021: Tweet

    #globalclimatedebate good discussion but no mention of synthetic fuels created with renewable energy. Most vehicles in the world today are fueled by petrol and diesel, they are not going to go away anytime soon, but we could fuel them sustainably with synthetic fuels. [Source]
  • 18 Sep 2021: Tweet

    Good point being made by Ed Davey in the Q &A session that tackling climate change is not only about reducing CO2 but empowerment for the rural poor across the world, by providing them with micro grids powered by renewable energy. [Source]
  • 18 Sep 2021: Tweet

    Pleased to be taking part at the virtual Lib Dem Conference this weekend. A good standard of debate on important motions on the Climate Emergency and ways to tackle it. Currently in the debate on the Uyghur genocide. [Source]
  • 05 Mar 2021: Tweet

    MAKE THE POLLUTER PAY! Petition: Introduce charges on carbon emissions to tackle climate crisis and air pollution [Source]
  • 16 Jan 2021: Tweet

    Cabinet member criticised for sharing article questioning the climate emergency [Source]
  • 04 Jan 2021: Tweet

    @GeorgeMonbiot @dpcarrington Air and into the ground. It seemed like a wonderful solution to climate change and the continued farming if cattle. I am a Wiltshire County Councillor and I am on the task group looking to how we can make Wilts carbon neutral. Help! Please email me [Source]
  • 08 Dec 2020: Tweet

    Humanity can achieve great things, next to end the pandemic then take on the climate emergency... [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2020: Tweet

    @CarolineLucas Absolutely right Caroline, but why not connect it to a carbon tax as suggested by the Citizens Climate Lobby? [Source]
  • 27 Feb 2020: Tweet

    As the only Wiltshire Councillor to speak out against the Stonhenge tunnel when it was first discussed at Cabinet I continue my opposition, to a plan depriving travellers this view of their history, cost over a £bn cause damage to the environment and generate more CO2. [Source]
  • 07 Feb 2020: Tweet

    @MFausingSmith Martin we need electric cars and hydrogen cars, but we also need to move quickly, and synthetic fuels produced using renewable energy may well be the bridge we need for the speed we need to carbon zero. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the possible... have a good weekend! [Source]
  • 02 Dec 2019: Tweet

    I've taken @friends_earth's #ClimateActionPledge. If elected I'll put the climate first when I vote in parliament. We're in a #ClimateEmergency and must rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions for a greener and fairer society. #ClimateElection [Source]
  • 02 Dec 2019: Tweet

    Tories sold off the Green investment bank, closed the Dep of Energy & Climate Change ... says it all... [Source]
  • 09 Nov 2019: Tweet

    Time is running out to stop catastrophic #climatechange. Our leaders have let us down - but people worldwide are taking action, from community energy to #schoolstrikes. Join me & @friends_earth to demand that the UK Government takes urgent #climateaction. [Source]
  • 16 Sep 2019: Tweet

    Thanks Jo! Great to get our point across in support of a Carbon Dividend to protect the poorest as we get to Net Zero Carbon! [Source]
  • 30 Aug 2019: Tweet

    Global farmers can take on climate change. Here's how via @wef [Source]
  • 05 Aug 2019: Tweet

    The terrible truth of climate change [Source]
  • 24 Jun 2019: Tweet

    "About 10% emit more CO2 than half the rest of the world population, people like you in the Audience" [Source]
  • 22 Jun 2019: Tweet

    This is what the Climate Emergency looks like.... [Source]
  • 13 Jun 2019: Tweet

    acknowledging a Climate Emergency.... Now the work begins... [Source]
  • 08 May 2019: Tweet

    Yesterday Liberal Democrat Councillors from Wiltshire were in Reading meeting with other Councils who are working on stopping the Climate Emergency. We are taking action Greta! [Source]
  • 27 Mar 2019: Tweet

    An excellent talk on the Climate Emergency by Prof David Waltham at the Lansdown Hotel in Calne last night with the Calne & North Wiltshire Liberal Democrats. Thank you David [Source]
  • 12 Mar 2019: Tweet

    @SFWcomms Still feeling chuffed about the Climate Emergency motion... having meetings about how we can make it happen. Are you still doing any solar work? it could be useful to involve you as a witness if you have time... [Source]
  • 18 Feb 2019: Tweet

    Schools strike for the climate and a motion on a climate emergency is to be presented to Wiltshire Council for Debate (February 18, 2019) [Source]
  • 24 Jan 2019: Tweet

    We must all play our part, do our bit, make our efforts work to stop climate change and resist... [Source]
  • 23 Nov 2018: Tweet

    Germany can do better, come on Germany Quit Coal Now! prevent climate breakdown and to keep warming below 1.5°C #Germany needs to #quitcoal now. Add your name to the petition >> [Source]
  • 12 Oct 2018: Tweet

    Unacceptable when life on earth is threatened by climate change [Source]
  • 12 Oct 2018: Tweet

    @CarolineLucas Unacceptable when life on earth is threatened by climate change [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2018: Tweet

    A terrifying vision of the future that makes me think we should be doing one hell of a lot more to prevent climate change, to stop our precious planet becoming a living hell for our children and grandchildren... [Source]
  • 06 Aug 2014: Tweet

    With Nick Clegg & Duncan Hames MP. The Deputy PM was visiting Good Energy our local green energy provider [Source]

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