VoteClimate: Brian Mathew MP: Climate Timeline

Brian Mathew MP: Climate Timeline

Brian Mathew is the Liberal Democrat MP for Melksham and Devizes.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Brian Mathew could have voted.

Brian Mathew is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Brian Mathew's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Brian Mathew in the last 90 days

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  • 6 Feb 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    We must act now to end the vicious cycle that these countries are trapped in. Without being able to invest in development, countries are unable to grow their economies or fully escape debt. Furthermore, while in debt distress, countries may look to quick solutions that involve exploiting or exporting their natural resources to do so—extracting fossil fuels, mining or logging—and, in the process, worsening climate change. That disproportionately affects those in the global south, but also affects us here at home.

    Full debate: Low-income Countries: Debt Cancellation

  • 16 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    In 2010, when the current Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero was Secretary of State for the then Department of Energy and Climate Change, he announced funding for investigations of embryonic tidal technologies. Rolls-Royce and Atkins won the contract to do the study, and their work showed that a tidal scheme on the Aberthaw to Minehead route would generate per year 30.4 TW hours of electricity, significantly more than the Cardiff to Weston-super-Mare line, which was in the region of 20 TW hours per annum.

    I thank my hon. Friend for making an excellent point about the centrality of Somerset—in particular, the Minehead route just north of Taunton—to renewable energy. Does he accept that tidal range and tidal barrages and lagoons could make a significant contribution? As he pointed out so well, Swansea lagoon would have done up to 30 TWh, but we could do that across the UK. There could be tidal lagoons in Morecambe bay and in Cumbria, where one was proposed. That would bring investment to regions across the UK and not just benefit the south-west and Somerset.

    Full debate: Marine Renewables Industry

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