Catherine Atkinson is the Labour MP for Derby North.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Catherine Atkinson could have voted.
Catherine Atkinson is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)
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We've found 2 Parliamentary debates in which Catherine Atkinson has spoken about climate-related matters.
Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.
The benefits are enormous: significant decarbonisation and faster and quieter trains through one of the most densely populated lines in the country.
Rail infrastructure is about more than just the tracks that the trains run on. It is the rolling stock that carries the passengers or the freight. It is about the skills of the workforce who build the tunnels, wire the overhead lines and guide multi-million—often billion—pound projects from conception to the big business case review through to line energisation. It is also about the train drivers, cleaners and ticket booth operators; the impact it has on stations and the surrounding areas; and our efforts towards decarbonisation, taking cars off our roads and cleaning our air.
when she was there a few weeks ago, is one of the businesses in Derby championing new technologies, excellence and expertise, and it is at the frontline in the fight against climate change. You can see Pride Park stadium, home of Derby County, back in the Championship, ready to bounce back like our city and our country. It is one of this country’s true community clubs that I hope will be protected for the future by the Football Governance Bill.