VoteClimate: Chris Law MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Chris Law MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Chris Law is the SNP MP for Dundee Central.

At the next election Chris Law is standing in the new Dundee Central constituency.

We have identified 19 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Chris Law could have voted.

Chris Law is rated Medium for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 9
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 10

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Chris Law's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 164 Climated-Related Tweets by Chris Law.

  • 24 Jul 2024 RT @aghavalyan: UN climate Summit, Global Media Forum in ethnically cleansed Shushi … all for whitewashing war crimes and crimes against hu… [Source]
  • 22 Jul 2024 RT @MairiMcAllan: A reminder that @theCCCuk consider CCUS a necessity, not an option in achieving net zero. Scotland is so well placed to… [Source]
  • 20 Jul 2024 RT @antonioguterres: The richest 1% are responsible for the same quantity of planet-wrecking greenhouse gases as two-thirds of humanity. T… [Source]
  • 19 Jun 2024 RT @theSNP: 👎 Whether it’s on the NHS, net zero or social security, Labour doesn’t offer “change” - all they offer is continued short-chang… [Source]
  • 07 Jun 2024 RT @tomfrench85: “We need to invest in net zero and protect Scottish jobs - and that’s what the SNP offers” SNP Westminster Leader @Stephe… [Source]
  • 01 Jun 2024 RT @MichaelEMann: "For climate change deniers, a strategy of distraction, deception, and delay" [the thesis of The #NewClimateWar: https://… [Source]
  • 28 May 2024 RT @StephenFlynnSNP: Labour’s energy proposals put at risk 100,000 jobs, economic growth and our Net Zero potential. Scotland’s energy pas… [Source]
  • 27 May 2024 RT @StephenFlynnSNP: If you create a cliff-edge you lose the investment, the workforce and the ability to hit Net Zero. Labour’s energy pl… [Source]
  • 27 May 2024 Let’s make this crystal clear Industry experts have already said 100.000 jobs will be lost based on Labours current plans for windfall tax Labour abandoned its £27 billion a year investment in green jobs & just transition. Labour now no clue what HN energy will bring in jobs [Source]
  • 09 May 2024 RT @JolyonMaugham: On Friday, the High Court told the government for the second time to rewrite its failing plan to reach net zero. That sa… [Source]
  • 04 May 2024 RT @MichaelEMann: Dangerous climate change is here. It's a question of how bad we're willing to let it get. [Source]
  • 22 Apr 2024 RT @MairiMcAllan: Tackling climate change is an environmental imperative & our moral obligation. Done correctly, it also presents an era… [Source]
  • 18 Apr 2024 RT @eliz_lloyd: Ahead of the expected announcement on Scotland’s climate targets a little context to where 75% came from, why it was alway… [Source]
  • 20 Mar 2024 RT @MairiMcAllan: In response to today’s CCC report, I’m clear no government can say they’re ‘doing enough’ until we’ve reached net zero. Y… [Source]
  • 17 Mar 2024 RT @MrMatthewTodd: i wish people who love films understood that if we don’t stop climate change there will be no more films i wish people… [Source]
  • 12 Mar 2024 RT @ScotNational: What does a just transition look like? With Stephen Flynn and Fatima Joji [Source]
  • 07 Mar 2024 RT @drewhendrySNP: Under Labour, we’d see money that should be going into the just transition being spent on nuclear power stations in Engl… [Source]
  • 07 Mar 2024 Labour talk about economic growth, but after shelving a £28 billion investment yearly into making Scotland a world powerhouse of renewable energy,they have nothing,absolutely nothing to offer.Scotland needs its #independence to get away from Westminster zombie parties @theSNP [Source]
  • 17 Feb 2024 RT @KevinStewartSNP: Sarwar hasn’t stood up to Starmer on any of these issues:- ❌Retention of the rape clause ❌ £28 Billion Green Energy… [Source]
  • 14 Feb 2024 Donoghue is a climate change denialist and a trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (a climate denialist think tank). And guess what it’s located at 55 Tufton Street, notorious for some of its resident organisations [Source]
  • 09 Feb 2024 RT @theSNP: 🥀 Labour have ditched their £28 billion a year in green energy pledge. 🚨 The EU’s climate service is warning that global warmi… [Source]
  • 08 Feb 2024 RT @MairiMcAllan: You can’t deliver a just transition to net zero if you are last to do it. As the US, Europe + others move to seize the… [Source]
  • 07 Feb 2024 Failure on so many levels; jobs, economic growth, sustainable energy, climate change and promises made to the electorate only to be ditched. Labours lack of vision, strategy and plan mean more rudderless years of UK austerity. Voting @SNP for #ScottishIndependence is our future [Source]
  • 20 Jan 2024 RT @BylineTV: BREAKING: Lay-offs in Port Talbot are due to Brexit and not Net Zero says Ex First Minister, Carwyn Jones. “The Net Zero ar… [Source]
  • 19 Jan 2024 I tell you what, the Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Ed Miliband should quit the cabinet over such a U-Turn as his policy is absolutely shredded #NetZero #Climate #ClimateAction is needed now, #LabourParty @theSNP [Source]
  • 19 Jan 2024 RT @neilcgray: Labour wants to end oil & gas, but isn’t willing to invest in green energy we need for Scotland’s economy, for energy securi… [Source]
  • 31 Dec 2023 RT @LesleyRiddoch: What's the secret of Denmark's success? Climate Change Minister Dan Jørgensen makes case for social democracy. Just comm… [Source]
  • 23 Dec 2023 Christmas season is the cover that the UK Labour Party need to cover their abandonment of support for Just Transition to renewables and effectively deny #climatechange needs urgent attention. Retweet if you agree 👇👇👇 #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction @theSNP @DundeeSNP [Source]
  • 23 Dec 2023 Climate Change doesn’t exist for the Tories or Labour 👇👇👇 [Source]
  • 19 Dec 2023 RT @theSNP: 🍃 We're committed to supporting a Just Transition to net zero and creating new jobs in green industries. 📢 Our budget delivers… [Source]
  • 19 Dec 2023 At a time when the UK Govt is focusing on new oil and gas licenses in Scotland, the real growth is in renewables. Climate change affects us all and tackling it urgently not only the right thing to do but where the biggest growth in jobs is coming from [Source]
  • 12 Dec 2023 RT @TheElders: Mary Robinson reacts to the release of the draft text at #COP28: “It is not good enough to say you recognise and respect th… [Source]
  • 11 Dec 2023 This is desperately appalling. COP28 depends on consensus. The world is our only home that we all share and without consensus we all fail. Period! #climateemergency #cop28 [Source]
  • 05 Dec 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: At #COP28 I took part in a @UN panel on building resilient & sustainable supply chains. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 @ScotGov is investing £5… [Source]
  • 01 Dec 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺 At #COP28 I spoke with @vonderleyen and @CharlesMichel about the need for countries to work together to tackle t… [Source]
  • 30 Nov 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: Proud Scotland became the first country in the Global North during COP26 to commit funding to Loss & Damage. Pleased to s… [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2023 With COP28 talks beginning tomorrow, one of the key challenges facing the world will be agreement on a deal for a loss and damage fund to help communities in the world's most vulnerable countries. #COP28 [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2023 RT @PGourtsoyannis: SNP's @ChrisLawSNP says the Scotland Office are "intent on limiting" the Scottish Government's voice on climate change… [Source]
  • 27 Nov 2023 t’s imperative for Climate Talks to proceed at @COP28_UAE to help deliver on climate change agreements & rapidly reduce CO2 emissions that the principle for COP presidents is to be impartial & not for doing oil deals! #climate [Source]
  • 27 Nov 2023 RT @BBCJustinR: My story is pretty straightforward - the UAE planned to use the COP28 climate talks to make oil deals.… [Source]
  • 27 Nov 2023 It’s imperative for Climate Talks to proceed at ⁦@COP28_UAE⁩ to help deliver on climate change agreements & rapidly reduce CO2 emissions that the principle for COP presidents is to impartial & tackling the key issue of reducing fossil fuel production [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2023 RT @scotgov: With independence, Scotland could maximise our offshore renewable energy potential, providing: 🔵Cheap, green electricity to p… [Source]
  • 20 Nov 2023 Climate change denying, and supporter of former dictatorship which killed 30000 people for their views, sees Argentina presidential election: far-right libertarian Javier Milei win after rival concedes [Source]
  • 16 Nov 2023 Climate change is increasingly hitting the world's most vulnerable hardest, and loss and damage funding would help mitigate and protect these communities. By making polluters pay, we can also ensure that it is those most responsible who are contributing. [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2023 RT @ScotGovFM: First Minister @HumzaYousaf intends to participate in @COP28_UAE, the international climate change conference, in Dubai at t… [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2023 RT @ClimateAPPG: 🆕NEW: To ensure success at #COP28 the @ClimateAPPG has recommended that @RishiSunak : 🇺🇳Appoints a UK climate envoy 🤝Ph… [Source]
  • 21 Oct 2023 This cannot be allowed to fail. The most climate vulnerable countries have caused the least carbon emission but face biggest threats. Scotland led the way and it’s NOW that the rest of the world must step up not step away. #LossAndDamage #ClimateEmergency @theSNP [Source]
  • 14 Oct 2023 RT @browncolleen: Listen in: What ancient Earth tells us about surviving the climate crisis Climate scientist and author @MichaelEMann exp… [Source]
  • 29 Sep 2023 RT @theSNP: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland is a renewable energy and an oil and gas powerhouse. ❌ Westminster have exploited Scotland's energy for decad… [Source]
  • 26 Sep 2023 RT @ScotGovNetZero: Net Zero Secretary @MairiMcAllan has urged the UK Government to rethink its decision to delay key net zero commitments.… [Source]
  • 26 Sep 2023 RT @AngusRobertson: Excellent to see cooperation between the Scottish and German governments on renewable energy and the potential for hydr… [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2023 RT @ClimateReality: Oil and gas companies talk about their commitment to reaching #netzero, but instead they’re projected to invest over $5… [Source]
  • 24 Sep 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: The world needs climate leaders, not climate deniers. The Prime Minister's roll back on climate action is an abdication o… [Source]
  • 24 Sep 2023 Rishi Sunak's Net Zero culture war as the world burns | The Herald [Source]
  • 23 Sep 2023 RT @antonioguterres: If fossil fuel companies want to be part of #ClimateAction solutions, they must lead the transition to renewable energ… [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 RT @Peston: The prime minister seems to have turned the climate change imperatives of reducing CO2 emissions from our homes, and reducing e… [Source]
  • 18 Sep 2023 RT @BBCScotlandNews: Scotland can lead world in climate crisis, says Humza Yousaf [Source]
  • 18 Sep 2023 RT @ScotGovFM: First Minister @HumzaYousaf has urged governments to provide more support to countries affected by climate change. During h… [Source]
  • 18 Sep 2023 RT @_sarahmasson: 🌍 Writing in @Daily_Record, @HumzaYousaf says the Climate Crisis “the defining challenge of our time” “We do not have th… [Source]
  • 09 Sep 2023 Given the number of climate change deniers who are not happy with this post, I thought it best to retweet it. Please RT #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice [Source]
  • 08 Sep 2023 RT @Scrumsrus: A truly excellent speech by @ChrisLawSNP "Wake up. Smell the CO2 emissions" Should be printed on every t-shirt in every… [Source]
  • 08 Sep 2023 Tackling climate change will require global leadership - we cannot allow governments around the world to shy away from taking necessary action on reducing emissions. [Source]
  • 08 Sep 2023 Earlier this week I secured the first debate on loss and damage from climate change to ever be held in Parliament - despite climate change being the biggest existential threat facing the world right now, only one Tory MP turned up - this is astonishing from the party in power. [Source]
  • 06 Sep 2023 RT @believeinscot: ⚡️Scotland has enormous renewable energy potential – with some of the fastest wind speeds in Europe. But the UK’s ‘weak’… [Source]
  • 05 Sep 2023 Proud to have secured the debate this morning on the need for more action on #LossAndDamage. Climate change is having a devastating effect on the world's most vulnerable communities, who have often contributed least in carbon emissions. #COP28 [Source]
  • 05 Aug 2023 RT @Greenpeace: Just when you thought June was the hottest month on record, think again! July likely beat that record 😩 #ClimateCrisis ht… [Source]
  • 05 Aug 2023 Undermining Net Zero targets by granting 100s of new oil&gas licenses will lead to irreversible harm to our planet.This year has broken all records.This news piece is crucial to understanding results for us from the oceans #climateemergency #climatechange [Source]
  • 01 Aug 2023 RT @implausibleblog: Left: Rishi Sunak says approving new licences for oil and gas drilling ‘entirely consistent’ with net zero plan Right… [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2023 RT @MairiMcAllan: Although inexplicably late, investment in Scotland’s CCUS is welcome. However it must never be used to justify expandin… [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2023 RT @AdamBienkov: Rishi Sunak gets shirty with BBC Scotland after they ask whether he's taking a private jet to make his green energy announ… [Source]
  • 27 Jul 2023 RT @jftaveira1993: .@MichaelEMann: “This is climate change. It’s not off in the future. It’s here, and we need to determine what we’re goin… [Source]
  • 27 Jul 2023 RT @UNEP: Climate litigation cases are growing worldwide. Governments, corporations and other greenhouse gas emitters are facing lawsuits… [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2023 RT @FerretScot: 🔴NEW: The claim that Scotland is halfway to net zero has been made by the SNP and prominent Scottish Government figures in… [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: Scotland’s net-zero future is being held back by UK Govt dithering & delay on carbon capture & storage. In Peterhead I me… [Source]
  • 17 Jul 2023 RT @LeaskyHT: As conspiracy theorist Neil Oliver denies climate change perhaps time to remember that he remains a fellow of the Royal Socie… [Source]
  • 11 Jul 2023 RT @ScotNational: Do you know your circular economy from your just transition? How about your green growth from your degrowth? In this art… [Source]
  • 08 Jul 2023 RT @ruth_wishart: This close enough for you, climate change deniers? [Source]
  • 07 Jul 2023 RT @antonioguterres: This week, the world broke the daily temperature record. This is yet another demonstration that climate change is out… [Source]
  • 05 Jul 2023 RT @AbertayUni: The @scotgov is holding a workshop in Dundee and looking for members of the public to discuss climate change policy and wha… [Source]
  • 28 Jun 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: Grateful to VP @MarosSefcovic for his warm welcome. Productive discussions on renewable energy, wellbeing economy, Horizo… [Source]
  • 21 Jun 2023 Estimates are that the Cloud is using up to 1.5% of total CO2 emissions. [Source]
  • 18 Jun 2023 Everyone one of us is responsible for reducing our CO2 emissions and playing our part in saving our planet. It can… [Source]
  • 15 Jun 2023 RT @AngusRobertson: Scotland and Iceland are working together on green energy transition and well-being economy. Good to see Prime Minister… [Source]
  • 17 May 2023 This week is Christian Aid Week, raising awareness of the need for climate justice. Climate change continues to af… [Source]
  • 11 May 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: At #AllEnergy23 I saw innovative technology that will support our Just Transition to Net Zero. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 @scotgov has commi… [Source]
  • 10 May 2023 RT @Peston: In last few weeks, there have been soaring record temperatures from Asia to Spain. Yet COP28 hires a lobbyist “who opposed oil… [Source]
  • 20 Apr 2023 RT @StewartMcDonald: 🗞️ This week’s column for ⁦@TheScotsman:⁩ Climate change, energy prices and national security are all intertwined and… [Source]
  • 12 Apr 2023 RT @theSNP: 👇 Scotland is a renewable energy powerhouse. 🌻 Halfway to Net Zero 🌍 World leading climate targets 🌳 Decarbonised faster tha… [Source]
  • 04 Apr 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: Great visit to @PortofAberdeen this morning to announce £25m investment in support of our Just Transition. Good discussio… [Source]
  • 04 Apr 2023 RT @theSNP: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 We're investing £25 million extra in Scotland's north-east to help with the shift toward renewable energy. 💪 A Just Tr… [Source]
  • 20 Mar 2023 RT @theSNP: 📣 @NicolaSturgeon at @theRSAorg: "Unless we put fairness firmly at the heart of our efforts to combat climate change, we will d… [Source]
  • 20 Mar 2023 RT @IPCC_CH: #IPCC Synthesis Report is now available via the report microsite at #ClimateChange #AR6 [Source]
  • 20 Mar 2023 RT @IPCC_CH: #IPCC #ClimateChange 2023: Synthesis Report "is a survival guide for humanity," says @‌UN SG @‌antonioguterres in the IPCC pre… [Source]
  • 12 Mar 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: I'll deliver for the North East: 1️⃣ Make Aberdeen Net Zero Capital of Europe 2️⃣ Just Transition, Green Revolution & gre… [Source]
  • 05 Mar 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Today I've set out plans to ensure @ScotGov takes an equity stake in Scotland's enormous renewable energy potentia… [Source]
  • 27 Feb 2023 RT @HumzaYousaf: Today I've unveiled plans to substantially increase investment in Scotland's renewables and boost our green energy output… [Source]
  • 21 Feb 2023 RT @MairiMcAllan: ‘Malawi in east Africa has been hard hit by…climate change. But it is one of the poorest countries in the world… That's… [Source]
  • 19 Feb 2023 RT @olafdoesstuff: 🌍 @theSNP's new 'Think Big' video, setting out Scotland's leadership on tackling climate change and the ambition ahead o… [Source]
  • 29 Jan 2023 RT @UN: The climate crisis is devastating our planet, including our ocean. The time to #SaveOurOcean & our future is NOW. We all have a… [Source]
  • 27 Jan 2023 RT @AnnPettifor: "This is not a climate crisis.... It is a planetary crisis." Wonderfully lucid scientific explanation of tipping points -… [Source]
  • 03 Jan 2023 Whilst Scotland is feeling the winter cold, the #climatecrisis is affecting Europe with record high temperatures as… [Source]
  • 09 Dec 2022 RT @ipsaUK: Thanks to @ChrisLawSNP for joining our environmental group, Green IPSA, to talk about climate change, loss and damage funding,… [Source]
  • 07 Dec 2022 I mean seriously!!!…. #climate #ClimateCrisis [Source]
  • 01 Dec 2022 RT @willrworley: NEW: I took a look at what's next for the COP 27 loss and damage fund for @devex And why it's shaping up to be the new… [Source]
  • 20 Nov 2022 RT @GretaThunberg: Without any binding commitments to rapidly and immediately reduce greenhouse gases, the world stands no chance to delive… [Source]
  • 20 Nov 2022 RT @antonioguterres: A fund for loss and damage is essential – but it’s not an answer if the climate crisis washes a small island state off… [Source]
  • 17 Nov 2022 RT @antonioguterres: I have returned to #COP27 to appeal to all negotiating to deliver the ambitious & meaningful #ClimateAction we so desp… [Source]
  • 17 Nov 2022 RT @antonioguterres: #COP27 is scheduled to close in 24 hours - and negotiators remain divided on a number of significant issues. I urge t… [Source]
  • 16 Nov 2022 RT @ScotGovNetZero: Environment Minister @MairiMcAllan met with France's Secretary of State for Ecology, Bérangère Couillard. During the #… [Source]
  • 14 Nov 2022 RT @SFTHQ: Thank you @ChrisLawSNP for meeting with the Tibetan Delegation at #COP27 and raising awareness about the #TibetClimateCrisis. O… [Source]
  • 14 Nov 2022 At #cop27 I heard how the occupied nation of #Tibet supplies 1.4billion people with fresh water,is a fragile & stra… [Source]
  • 13 Nov 2022 @cop27 #COP27 must@go much farther & faster without any delay. The evidence is being felt across the whole of Euro… [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2022 Important discussions with Deputy Hilary Jeune, Jersey's first Minister for Energy & Climate Change, & President el… [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2022 Fantastic discussion about #LossAndDamage with Uili Lousi,an internationally recognized artist & climate change act… [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2022 Waste is 5% of all greenhouse gases but most CO2 is measured from source of production. When working with manufact… [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2022 It was a pleasure meeting Peter Simoes @ISWA_org Amsterdam,& Aylin Alagoz from Entegre Raporiama Turkey at #COP27 t… [Source]
  • 11 Nov 2022 @alexrbchn @Cop27 Thank you @alexrbchn , it has been a privilege [Source]
  • 11 Nov 2022 RT @alexrbchn: Happy to host the member of the UK parliament from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿@ChrisLawSNP at 🇺🇦pavilion at @COP27. Thank you for your long last… [Source]
  • 11 Nov 2022 First day of #cop27 & delighted that #Ukraine️ with Alex Riabchun has a 1st time installation, to show how Ukraine… [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2022 RT @sciaf: At #COP27, we must amplify the voices of those worst impacted by the #ClimateCrisis who have done the least to cause the problem… [Source]
  • 09 Nov 2022 RT @SikyongPTsering: With #COP27 underway, I hope the #climatecrisis in Tibet will receive due attention. As a dedicated team of climate re… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 RT @GretaThunberg: One of these prisoners is Alaa Abd El-Fattah, who is now on a water strike since the beginning of COP27. A system that d… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 RT @LossandDamage: “We still need a #LossAndDamage finance facility.” @ScotGovFM🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 @NicolaSturgeon making it clear at #COP27 that smal… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 RT @NicolaSturgeon: Good to speak with former ambassador to UK, now French Foreign Minister @MinColonna at #COP27 today to discuss the impo… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 RT @PoliticsJOE_UK: "There are women everywhere in the climate debate and discussion, but the decision-makers are still overwhelmingly men.… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 RT @ScotGovFM: Today at #COP27 First Minister @NicolaSturgeon met #Ghana Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta 🇬🇭 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 It's vital that #COP2… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 RT @ScotGovFM: First Minister @NicolaSturgeon celebrated as the @Climate_Relay baton reached the finish line at #COP27 The FM watched the… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 Excellent to Scotland once again leading the way on #climatejustice #ClimateCrisis @SDGoals @theSNPMedia @theSNP [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 RT @AdamBienkov: "This is not the moment to go weak on net zero," says Boris Johnson, whose final acts as PM included: - Backing major new… [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2022 RT @alextomo: COP27: Climate 'loss and damage' explained via @Channel4News [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2022 RT @ProfMarkMaslin: #ClimateChange is about consumption of the very richest 💸 people in our global society. 50% of global emissions are em… [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2022 RT @willrworley: .@mohadow criticises Rishi Sunak's UK aid cuts "You can't cut development aid on one hand and provide climate finance o… [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2022 RT @AminaJMohammed: As #COP27 kicks off today, we need renewed: Ambition Acceleration Solidarity Commitments Climate Justice… [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2022 RT @willrworley: “We have a credibility problem, all of us,” Al Gore tells COP27 leaders summit. Warns climate impacts could ultimately “en… [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2022 World leadership is taking action when the rest are still in talk mode. #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency… [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2022 UK criticised for failing to pay $300m in promised climate funds ahead of Cop27 [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2022 RT @STVNews: Young people from countries facing worst effects of climate change to be given opportunity to attend COP27 climate summit in E… [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2022 Quite astonishing that we face #CostOfLivingCrisis #ClimateEmergency & #FuelPrices crisis, yet UK govt does nothing… [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2022 RT @antonioguterres: It’s not too late to act on the climate crisis. Solutions exist. We must #ActNow and scale up investments to reduce… [Source]
  • 31 Oct 2022 Lula needs to untie all Brazilians against the biggest crisis facing mankind of #climatechange #climateemergency an… [Source]
  • 31 Oct 2022 Cop27 faces a number of challenges and as the UK hands over its presidency, the trouble is written on the wall. W… [Source]
  • 30 Oct 2022 RT @StefSimanowitz: 1/. On Sunday - the day of the #BrazilianElections & week before the start of #COP27 - a traffic island in front of the… [Source]
  • 28 Oct 2022 RT @Kevin_Maguire: Environment Sec Therese Coffey wasn’t aware Biden’s going to Cop 27. Biden is going. Sunak isn’t. The King’s blocked.… [Source]
  • 28 Oct 2022 RT @TheScotsman: BREAKING: Nicola Sturgeon will travel to Egypt for Cop27, the Scottish Government has announced [Source]
  • 28 Oct 2022 RT @AdamBienkov: A reminder that this man was until a few days ago in charge of the UK's entire climate change strategy. [Source]
  • 27 Oct 2022 RT @PippaCrerar: 🌍Rishi Sunak has demoted his climate minister and pulled out of the COP summit in Egypt… yet No 10 says tackling climate c… [Source]
  • 27 Oct 2022 RT @johnestevens: In 48 hours as PM, Rishi Sunak has: ❌ Pulled out of attending Cop27 in Egypt ❌ Removed Cop president Alok Sharma from Ca… [Source]
  • 19 Oct 2022 RT @CSkidmoreUK: As the former Energy Minister who signed Net Zero into law, for the sake of our environment and climate, I cannot personal… [Source]
  • 14 Oct 2022 RT @UNDP: The most vulnerable are bearing the brunt of #ClimateChange. The recent #FloodsInPakistan have been a catalyst for the risks fac… [Source]
  • 12 Oct 2022 Early start in global discussion on sustainable development and climate change in Kigali, Rwanda @IPUparliament. I… [Source]
  • 10 Oct 2022 RT @Ianblackford_MP: Here is our report showing the pathway to increasing our green energy output fivefold, creating 385,000 jobs. A prospe… [Source]
  • 09 Oct 2022 RT @antonioguterres: The climate crisis is also a human rights crisis - and women's rights crisis. We need more women at the table where #… [Source]
  • 07 Oct 2022 RT @Ianblackford_MP: A new report has shown how independence can unleash Scotland’s potential as the European renewable energy powerhouse o… [Source]
  • 06 Oct 2022 ‘I have a voice’: African activists struggle to attend UN climate talks in Egypt [Source]
  • 04 Oct 2022 RT @alextomo: First Egyptian Govt tells Liz Truss the King should go to COP climate summit. Now Alok Sharma (dedicated , credible and diplo… [Source]
  • 04 Oct 2022 As the UK holds still holds the presidency on #cop26, it now becomes a complete sham and an abandonment of its core… [Source]
  • 03 Oct 2022 RT @UN: "Every government, every business, every investor, every institution must step up with concrete climate actions for net zero." --… [Source]
  • 01 Oct 2022 Please be there Charles Windsor to hold this UK Govt promises to account! #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency [Source]
  • 26 Sep 2022 RT @CFigueres: Coming back to this once more. If you don’t understand the impact of #climatechange on developing countries you just cannot… [Source]
  • 22 Sep 2022 RT @CFigueres: It’s simple. If you don’t understand the threat of #climatechange to developing countries you cannot lead the world’s top in… [Source]
  • 22 Sep 2022 RT @petemoorey: 🌊 Every life and livelihood impacted by the #ClimateCrisis matters, but it’s those least responsible who are bearing the b… [Source]
  • 21 Sep 2022 RT @antonioguterres: Climate change seems to have been dropped as a priority by many decision makers around the world. This week at #UNGA,… [Source]
  • 17 Sep 2022 @ClimateHuman Hope this of help. At Cop 37 in November 🙌 [Source]
  • 15 Sep 2022 RT @ProfMarkMaslin: Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn by 2050, an Oxford University stu… [Source]

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