Clive Jones is the Liberal Democrat MP for Wokingham.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Clive Jones could have voted.
Clive Jones is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)
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We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Clive Jones in the last 90 days
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When I visited the Thames Water sewage treatment works at Wargrave, I met enthusiastic and knowledgeable employees, but the scale of the neglect of our sewage treatment capacity was very clear to see. Thames Water bosses have failed to keep pace with the storm overflow problem, exacerbated by housebuilding, a failing network of pipes and climate change. Now they want to increase bills by 59%. The regulator really must not let that happen. I was left with the distinct impression at Wargrave that, sadly, the company had little idea of how to fix the problem and no expectation of doing so within a reasonable timeframe. Thames Water is currently limping from cash crisis to cash crisis, accruing billions more in debt. It seems to be getting worse before it can get better.
Full debate: Water (Special Measures) Bill [Lords]