Daisy Cooper is the Liberal Democrat MP for St Albans.
We have identified 10 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2019 in which Daisy Cooper could have voted.
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We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Daisy Cooper in the last 90 days
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However, as we debate the new charter, it is also worth reflecting on how fiscal rules are treated in our politics more broadly. Although they are absolutely necessary for economic stability, there is too often a sense that fiscal targets can be arbitrary and that they are chosen based on what is convenient for each Government; previous Conservative Chancellors changed the fiscal rules five times in seven years between 2015 and 2022. What often seems to be lacking throughout the process is a sober, pragmatic dialogue about what the best fiscal rules are for our economy, for everything from growth and investment to jobs and net zero—a discussion perhaps ideally not affected by politics, but focused on what is right for our economy.
Full debate: Charter for Budget Responsibility