VoteClimate: Dan Norris MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Dan Norris MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Dan Norris is the Labour MP for North East Somerset and Hanham.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2010 in which Dan Norris could have voted.

Dan Norris is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Dan Norris's Speeches In Parliament Related to Climate

We've found 23 Parliamentary debates in which Dan Norris has spoken about climate-related matters.

Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.

  • 7 Apr 2010: Croydon

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 17 Mar 2010: Climate Change: Research

    (a) The funding allocated into research into the effects of climate change on agriculture in the past five years is as follows:

    (b) The UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP), funded by DEFRA, has incorporated a business element that works with individual business or representative organisations to help develop risk management and adaptation strategies. UKCIP have developed free for user on-line tools specially designed for business, in addition to the climate change projections.

    We are unable to provide a breakdown of the funding provided to UKCIP for research into mitigating the effects of climate change in agriculture and business, as the work done by UKCIP is of benefit to all. However the total funding provided to UKCIP for the last five years is as follows:

    In addition, as part of Government’s cross-Department Adaptation to Climate Change programme established in 2008, a small business engagement team has been set up. In FY 2009-10 this team managed research projects on business opportunities from adaptation to climate change, business messaging and business advice totalling up to £160,000.


  • 15 Mar 2010: Greater Manchester

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 10 Mar 2010: Stroud

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 4 Mar 2010: Incinerators

    It is recognised that there will always be some waste streams that cannot be re-used, recycled or composted and recovering energy from that waste, including by incineration, results in less greenhouse gas emissions compared to the alternative of landfill. Producing energy from this waste, which would otherwise have gone to landfill, not only contributes to reducing carbon emissions, but also counts towards our renewable energy targets by displacing fossil fuel power generation.


  • 4 Mar 2010: Renewable Energy: Waste

    Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)


  • 23 Feb 2010: Evidence Investment Strategy

    I have arranged for copies of DEFRA’s new Evidence Investment Strategy (EIS) which provides an agenda to prioritise and manage DEFRA’s investment in evidence from 2010 to 2013 and beyond to be placed in the Libraries of both Houses. It highlights the need to focus efforts on the interlinked challenges of climate change, protecting ecosystems and developing a sustainable food supply. The strategy will ensure that DEFRA has access to the best evidence when developing and implementing policies. The strategy is available at: http://www.defra.


  • 23 Feb 2010: Departmental Expenditure Limits

    The change in the resource element of the DEL of £11,873,000 arises from: (i) a transfer of £30,000,000 programme from resource to capital for the Environment Agency; (ii) a £30,000,000 increase to programme following an agreement with HM Treasury to bring forward part of next year’s ring-fenced disallowance provision to cover a Rural Payments Agency (RPA) disallowance issue that has materialised this year; (iii) a transfer of £827,000 programme to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy responsibility; (iv) a transfer of £12,500,000 programme from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, returning funding DEFRA previously provided for the Carbon Capture and Storage Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) studies; and (v) a transfer of £200,000 administration from the Cabinet Office for the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

    The change in the capital element of the DEL of £29,735,000 arises from: (i) a transfer of £30,000,000 from resource to capital for the Environment Agency; and (ii) a transfer of £265,000 to the Department of Energy and Climate Change for anaerobic digestion of manure and food waste demonstration projects.


  • 22 Feb 2010: Carbon Emissions: Business

    We encourage companies to publicly disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using the recently published DEFRA/Department of Environment and Climate Change “Guidance on how to measure and report your greenhouse gas emissions”, but such disclosures are not collected by the Government. No estimate has been made of the average carbon dioxide emissions of companies that do not report their GHG emissions.


  • 10 Feb 2010: Feltham

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 9 Feb 2010: Departmental Legislation

    Climate Change Act 2008

    DEFRA is only responsible for some parts of the Climate Change Act 2008.


  • 9 Feb 2010: Hemsworth

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 8 Feb 2010: Blaydon

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 8 Feb 2010: Cleethorpes

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 4 Feb 2010: Chorley

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 4 Feb 2010: Streatham

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 2 Feb 2010: Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal

    The Government funded WRAP to undertake research (the 2007-09 food waste trials with local authorities) and advise local authorities on the best ways to collect and treat food waste. Both DEFRA and WRAP continue to fund and manage research feeding into the body of knowledge that underpins the advice WRAP give via ROTATE. In terms of effective food waste treatment the Government have been actively promoting and providing support for greater uptake of anaerobic digestion, a proven renewable energy technology, as the best option for unavoidable food waste that would otherwise go to landfill. The NNFCC (National Non Food Crops Centre), supported by. DEFRA and DECC, launched a new web-based portal on 16 September 2009; this provides a first point of contact for information about anaerobic digestion for local authorities, businesses, farmers and the public. The portal can be found at:


  • 27 Jan 2010: Departmental Assets

    The strategy is currently being updated following the creation of the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the transfer of certain functions from DEFRA to DECC, and it is planned that the new version of the strategy will be published in the spring.


  • 27 Jan 2010: Departmental Carbon Emissions

    A strategic long-term investment plan allows the delivery of projects which provide long-term benefits through reducing energy demand and minimising the need to reinvest in the short to medium term. To disrupt these long-term plans in order to achieve 10:10 would impact negatively on DEFRA’s ability to achieve its long-term goals and would not deliver value for money. However, the combination of DEFRA’s long-term plans, a minimum 6 per cent. reduction in 2010 and a short- term call to action all constitute a credible contribution to tackling climate change.


  • 26 Jan 2010: Slough

    To promote a society that is adapting to the effects of climate change, through a national programme of action and a contribution to international action.


  • 14 Jan 2010: Climate Change: International Co-operation

    One official attended on 11 December to present the Convention on Biological Diversity’s ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change report. He chaired the event and was nominated for and supported in this role by DEFRA.


  • 11 Jan 2010: Domestic Waste: Recycling

    Schemes which reward people for recycling more and minimising waste are provided for by powers introduced in the Climate Change Act. The Act allows up to five local authorities in England to pilot waste incentive schemes to encourage household waste minimisation and recycling, which will have real environmental benefits. Reward-only and voucher-based schemes are included within the scope of the powers. It is up to local authorities to make a proposal to the Secretary of State for permission to run a pilot, in line with local needs. None have yet done so. I have not had any discussions with or received any representations or reports from EU counterparts or representatives from the EU Commission on reward schemes for recycling waste.


  • 5 Jan 2010: Departmental Public Relations

    The Environment Agency has spent \xA35,000 in the last 12 months with Four Communications. This was to provide an understanding of the potential for new media in helping to engage with stakeholders on water and pollution issues. It has spent \xA327,471 with Bellenden Public Affairs for the provision of training and support for its engagement with local authorities on climate change issues.


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