VoteClimate: Ed Davey MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Ed Davey MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Ed Davey is the Liberal Democrat MP for Kingston and Surbiton.

We have identified 22 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2010 in which Ed Davey could have voted.

Ed Davey is rated Medium for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 11
  • Against: 7
  • Did not vote: 4

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Ed Davey's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 70 Climate-Related Tweets by Ed Davey.

  • 20 Sep 2023 In 2018 Boris Johnson said f*** business On Monday, Liz Truss said scrap net zero targets Today Rishi Sunak has done both in one fell swoop [Source]
  • 13 Nov 2021 The COP26 deal represents a huge diplomatic failure for the Prime Minister, exposes an alarming refusal to act by C… [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2021 As #COP26 draws to a close, this year's theme for my constituency Christmas Card competition is 'A Climate Friendly… [Source]
  • 12 Nov 2021 @pippaheylings is an inspiring campaigner for her local environment and championed the cause at COP26. Pippa's pas… [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2021 I fear this is kicking the can down the road and managing expectations after disappointing #COP26 rather than bea… [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2021 Fantastic to visit #COP26 and chat to the UK delegation here. We are making progress but we still need much more ac… [Source]
  • 04 Nov 2021 Really great fun to chat to @patrickkmaguire at the Times Red Box ahead of my trip Glasgow to COP26 tonight ???? [Source]
  • 03 Nov 2021 A private jet to a private party with a climate change denier. The mask slips. [Source]
  • 03 Nov 2021 If we do not force fossil fuel money out of the City of London we will never stop climate change. The Chancellor’s… [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2021 The Prime Minister can spin it however he likes, but if the West do not get China on board, COP26 is a failure. [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2021 RT @TimesRadio: "We can get vulnerable countries to speak out (during Cop26) that embarrasses China, and that has a bigger impact." Ed Dav… [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2021 The co-leader of the Scottish so called Greens is more interested in using COP26 for his nationalist agenda than ta… [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2021 Don’t be distracted by Boris Johnson bluster. If we want to stop the Climate Emergency we have to get China on boar… [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2021 Boris Johnson has blustered his way to #COP26 and it is starting to show. For COP to have any chance of success, t… [Source]
  • 19 Oct 2021 £200million? This Government is spending more on a royal yacht. The climate crisis demands real ambition and inves… [Source]
  • 18 Oct 2021 We are in the middle of a cost of living crisis and a climate emergency but the govt is failing to invest properly… [Source]
  • 10 Aug 2021 With Covid and Climate Change Boris Johnson is always more interested in what his backbenchers want than what the c… [Source]
  • 13 Jul 2021 Aid cuts are a disaster for COP26 and the fight against climate change. [Source]
  • 30 Apr 2021 I’ve worked with @StephenRW01 on climate change policy in Government @StephenRW01 will make a first class Mayor f… [Source]
  • 20 Apr 2021 This is really worrying. The climate crisis hasn't gone away because of the pandemic. A recovery that isn't green… [Source]
  • 01 Mar 2021 Johnson’s failure to step in and stop this coal mine - especially in the year the UK hosts key climate talks - conf… [Source]
  • 17 Jan 2021 Liberal Democrats have always fought for environmental protection and green policies. The climate emergency now dem… [Source]
  • 23 Nov 2020 UK must show true leadership in tackling climate emergency, says Davey… via @eveningexpress [Source]
  • 18 Nov 2020 Not ambitious enough, not competent enough. @BorisJohnson’s plan won’t tackle climate change or rebuild our econom… [Source]
  • 18 Nov 2020 With the climate emergency threatening our world, ⁦⁦@BorisJohnson⁩ has provided a leaky bucket to put out the fire… [Source]
  • 08 Oct 2020 Whether it is Covid19 or the climate emergency Boris Johnson is failing our country. [Source]
  • 04 Sep 2020 Tony Abbott has made misogynistic and homophobic remarks and he is a climate change denier. He simply has no place… [Source]
  • 01 Sep 2020 .@sarahjolney1 has already done a great job as Business Spokesperson she will do Transport and the Climate Emergenc… [Source]
  • 03 Aug 2020 Under my leadership @LibDems will lead the way on climate change. I've set out a £150 bn plan to create 000s of g… [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2020 RT @PTylerLords: So have I ... I will never forget how superbly supportive Ed was of our efforts to pioneer renewable energy in North Cornw… [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2020 We need a Green Revolution - to revive our economy and tackle the climate emergency. ALL domestic flights should be… [Source]
  • 12 Jul 2020 With my experiences as a carer & my leadership on issues like climate change, I know I can lead our party to meet t… [Source]
  • 08 Jul 2020 RT @LibDems: “We need a massive #GreenRecovery so we both provide jobs and tackle the next crisis, the climate crisis.” - @EdwardJDavey ⬇️… [Source]
  • 07 Jul 2020 Tory insulation plan just not up to the scale of the jobs recession and climate emergency My Green Recovery Plan h… [Source]
  • 06 Jul 2020 @layanglicana Sure. Youth unemployment is set to rocket & this is our last chance to tackle climate emergency. So n… [Source]
  • 23 Jun 2020 Great report by @NetZeroUK shows the public support a green recovery plan. I've put forward a plan for £150bn of g… [Source]
  • 20 Jun 2020 Thanks @GreenLibDems for chance to debate all things climate emergency and environment at the first hustings of our… [Source]
  • 18 Jun 2020 Here is the plan in 5 simple steps: ⚡️ - 80% renewable energy by 2030. ???? - End the sale of petrol & diesel cars by… [Source]
  • 18 Jun 2020 We have a once in a lifetime chance to rebuild our economy and fight climate change. I’ve today announced my plan… [Source]
  • 09 Jun 2020 Proud that @LibDems led this huge step forward against climate change when I beat the Tories in Government to win a… [Source]
  • 05 Jun 2020 Thank you so much for the support councillor @JaneBrophyLD! I share Jane's belief that tackling climate change mus… [Source]
  • 30 May 2020 Brilliant: getting the economy back on track after #CoronaCrisis and helping tackle the #ClimateEmergency. This is… [Source]
  • 28 May 2020 Climate justice must be a key part of a green economic recovery programme to tackle the climate emergency???? [Source]
  • 06 May 2020 Let’s keep CO2 going down after #coronavirus With radical policies for a green recovery like: ✅ renewable energy… [Source]
  • 06 May 2020 The UK recovery plan must be clean, green & focused on tackling the climate emergency ???? [Source]
  • 28 Feb 2020 RT @LibDems: "If the Conservatives are serious about taking the climate emergency, they should simply cancel #Heathrow expansion once and f… [Source]
  • 28 Feb 2020 RT @LibDems: The UK cannot properly tackle the climate crisis if we continue to expand our airports. We've stopped a third runway at Heath… [Source]
  • 27 Feb 2020 RT @COP26: ???? ???? ???????? ???? The PM's Finance Advisor for COP26, Mark Carney, has launched the summit’s Private Finance Agenda alongside #COP26 Pr… [Source]
  • 27 Feb 2020 #DecarbonisingCapitalism Excited to attend launch of climate finance agenda for #COP26 this am @MarkCarney_BOE &… [Source]
  • 26 Feb 2020 We have to tackle the #ClimateEmergency now! Before we host #COP26 we need to engage with the largest nations ????????????????… [Source]
  • 26 Feb 2020 Scale of flooding crisis... We’re facing a #ClimateEmergency and regrettably, severe weather episodes like storms… [Source]
  • 23 Feb 2020 The leaps our country made in tackling #ClimateEmergency climate are all victories of progressive parties Faced wi… [Source]
  • 23 Feb 2020 As progressives, we need to fight together on #SocialJustice, #ClimateEmergency, #PoliticalReform, saving the UK fr… [Source]
  • 23 Feb 2020 Climate change could be the test battle for cooperation between progressive politicians ???? But @libdems must rememb… [Source]
  • 20 Feb 2020 So where can progressives unite to make change? For me it starts with social justice, the climate emergency & fight… [Source]
  • 19 Feb 2020 Where tackling #ClimateEmergency meets education & public infrastructure New building for Hackbridge primary is En… [Source]
  • 17 Feb 2020 Tackling #ClimateEmergency in #France ✅Civil servs get €200 annual bonus for sharing car/cycling to work ✅Minister… [Source]
  • 13 Feb 2020 RT @LibDems: "The government’s handling of the COP26 planning so far has been shambolic“ - @EdwardJDavey If you want to be credible hosts… [Source]
  • 12 Feb 2020 Shambolic World faces #ClimateEmergency ????#COP26 is THE moment to act ????UK privileged to host ????Need independent gro… [Source]
  • 10 Feb 2020 RT @Wera_Hobhouse: #Brexit will make responding to #ClimateChange much harder. We will no longer be decision makers or have a seat at the t… [Source]
  • 09 Feb 2020 RT @LibDems: "How can the Conservatives or Labour be serious about their commitments to tackling climate change unless they join my Liberal… [Source]
  • 07 Feb 2020 RT @LibDems: "Donald Trump is one of the biggest blocks to action on things like climate change... With his foreign policy, he's created gr… [Source]
  • 06 Feb 2020 RT @LibDems: "What we need is proper leadership from the Prime Minister on the climate emergency and he's failed to give that." - @EdwardJD… [Source]
  • 04 Feb 2020 UK generates 2.3m tonnes of plastic packaging/yr; less than half is recycled! Tackling #ClimateEmergency starts wi… [Source]
  • 04 Feb 2020 Join me on @BBCNewsnight tonight 10:30 I'm talking #ClimateChange, #COP26 & UK leadership ???? Johnson launched clim… [Source]
  • 04 Feb 2020 RT @LibDems: Today, Boris Johnson launched the #COP26 climate change summit, yet we have no department for climate change and no President… [Source]
  • 28 Jan 2020 Arguing today for new Department of Energy & Climate Change @ifgevents Without @LibDems at old DECC, UK would not… [Source]
  • 16 Jan 2020 This is not just a landmark moment for @MSFTIssues, it’s a model for others to follow in tackling #ClimateEmergency… [Source]
  • 02 Jan 2020 New Year’s moves to tackle #ClimateEmergency German rail network Deutsche Bahn DROPS prices 10% to get more people… [Source]
  • 31 Dec 2019 New Year’s resolutions that inspire... Congrats @beckylucydell - showing how tackling #ClimateEmergency can start… [Source]

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