VoteClimate: Euan Stainbank MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Euan Stainbank MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Euan Stainbank is the Labour MP for Falkirk.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Euan Stainbank could have voted.

Euan Stainbank is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Euan Stainbank's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 9 Climate-Related Tweets by Euan Stainbank.

  • 08 Jun 2024 Our teams out on the doors today. A positive response to Labour's message on: economic stability, the biggest advance in Workers Rights in a generation and the only Green Prosperity plan protecting jobs while meeting net zero. ???????????????????????????????? #VoteScotLab24 [Source]
  • 06 Jun 2024 RT @CoopParty: GB Energy will deliver community energy to deliver power and profit from green community owned renewable energy projects.… [Source]
  • 25 Apr 2024 RT @GirlchampJinty: if you could rolling back on climate targets and plunging public services into crisis mode by @HumzaYousaf disastrous C… [Source]
  • 13 Mar 2024 We need a government that is committed to keeping Grangemouth working. The Labour plan to invest in Grangemouth as a key part of the just transition shows clearly why we need to boot the Tories out and get a Labour government in at the election. [Source]
  • 29 Feb 2024 ???? The SNP and Tories blocked 250k extra for a Net Zero Community fund to further help communities who wished to take on buildings the SNP and Tories decided to close. ???? The SNP and Tories blocked 250k extra funding for accessible playparks. (8/12) [Source]
  • 19 Feb 2024 Windfall taxes on record energy giants profits and building a publicly owned clean energy company headquartered in Scotland, bringing thousands of new jobs. This is a progressive energy policy that acknowledges the need for greater ambition to meet net zero targets. ????✊️ [Source]
  • 13 Oct 2023 Pleasure to attend conference after missing it last year. Spent my time at the fringe discussions on topics like skills, net zero, youth engagement, food poverty and local government. As well as snapping a picture with everyone's favourite new MP at the Sunday evening Ceilidh. [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2023 @MonicaLennon7 How is he planning on offsetting the substantial impact of that far into the future extraction to make the UK Net Zero ambitions at all feasible? [Source]
  • 20 Jun 2023 Scotland misses its target for cutting greenhouse gases with domestic transport the largest emitter. If the SG want to reduce individual car miles they must match this with the proper resources to allow public transport to properly serve our people. [Source]

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