VoteClimate: Mr James Frith MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Mr James Frith MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

James Frith is the Labour MP for Bury North.

We have identified 1 Parliamentary Vote Related to Climate since 2017 in which James Frith could have voted.

James Frith is rated Medium for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 1

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James Frith's Speeches In Parliament Related to Climate

We've found 1 Parliamentary debates in which James Frith has spoken about climate-related matters.

Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.

  • 31 Oct 2018: Budget Resolutions


    I draw hon. Members’ attention to my declaration in the Register of Members’ Financial Interests. The Government’s party conference this summer boasted of opportunity, but this week’s Budget smacks of a wasted opportunity. It is a wasted opportunity to present an economy that embraces the challenges and sees them as opportunities for all, and it fails to address the urgent threat of climate change or the chance to reskill for automation. It is a vision lacking in imagination on how to renew our towns beyond rate reductions. There is a much-needed and overdue injection of cash for our NHS, but the King’s Fund and the Health Foundation say that it is still not enough. The party that says “F— business” on Brexit still gives us FA for FE, with colleges not even mentioned. There is no intervention to move from low-skilled to high-skilled work and no plan for the rise of the robots and the promise of AI and automation. Wages and growth are not moving and public services continue to be ignored. Austerity continues—it does not end—and the Government have no vision for what is next.

    Just three weeks after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s landmark report highlighting the grave threat of climate change, there was not a single reference to climate change in the Chancellor’s speech. There is nothing on investing in new national industries or renewable energy and the creation of new jobs, and there is nothing to tackle air pollution and the chaos facing commuters in Bury or on plans to switch polluting buses to new, clean-energy vehicles.


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