VoteClimate: Jim McMahon MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Jim McMahon MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Jim McMahon is the Labour MP for Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton.

We have identified 16 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Jim McMahon could have voted.

Jim McMahon is rated Very Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 13
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 3

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Jim McMahon's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 34 Climate-Related Tweets by Jim McMahon.

  • 08 Nov 2023 RT @jreynoldsMP: Labour backs our fantastic steelworkers. We cannot allow Britain to lose the ability to make primary steel. Decarbonisati… [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2023 RT @CoopParty: "We can sprint to Net Zero if we give communities the resources." Community energy has the potential to transform our energ… [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 RT @CoopParty: While the Conservatives dither and delay on the needed transition to Net Zero, our communities are leading the way. Co-ope… [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2023 RT @Ed_Miliband: Businesses are sounding the alarm ???? The Conservatives have given up on climate leadership Their failure means higher ene… [Source]
  • 18 Jul 2023 You can’t trust the Tories on food security. On every test they are failing us. Failure to combat climate crisis will impact UK food, report warns - ⁦@IPPR⁩ ⁦@FarmingUK [Source]
  • 19 Jun 2023 RT @CoopParty: ''One million new owners of renewables''. #ICYMI: Shadow Climate and Net Zero Secretary @Ed_Miliband promising to expand co… [Source]
  • 12 Jan 2023 RT @JimfromOldham: We must fight to bring access to nature to every community. It’s essential in tackling the climate crisis and to live a… [Source]
  • 11 Jan 2023 We must fight to bring access to nature to every community. It’s essential in tackling the climate crisis and to li… [Source]
  • 05 Dec 2022 RT @CoopParty: With prices reaching record highs, there has never been a more important time to invest in cheap, clean renewable energy pro… [Source]
  • 18 Nov 2022 Ahead of COP27 the Secretary of State announced that the Government would breach its own legal obligations for publ… [Source]
  • 28 Oct 2022 Very worrying indifference on display, but perhaps worse to come with efforts to tackle climate change, restore nat… [Source]
  • 27 Oct 2022 RT @Keir_Starmer: My Labour government will show climate leadership. Britain showing up to work with world leaders is an opportunity to gr… [Source]
  • 26 Sep 2022 RT @RachelReevesMP: Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan is a real plan for tackling climate change.   It is a real plan for growth.   And a real… [Source]
  • 01 Sep 2022 The supply of CO2 is vital in food & drink production, & to extend the shelf life of meats, salads & bread.… [Source]
  • 26 Aug 2022 RT @DanielZeichner: The supply of CO2 matters given its extensive use in food production. Yet the Govt is sleepwalking into another suppl… [Source]
  • 11 Mar 2022 RT @Ed_Miliband: For energy security, to get bills down, and tackle the climate crisis it is time for a green energy sprint. Today I've be… [Source]
  • 31 Jan 2022 I raised the shortage of CO2 in Parliament last week, there wasn’t even an attempt from the Environment Secretary t… [Source]
  • 11 Dec 2021 RT @Ed_Miliband: By breaking pledges on transport in the North and failing to deliver for TfL, the government threatens the net zero agenda… [Source]
  • 02 Dec 2021 RT @NickTorfaen: The UK Government is sitting on the sidelines and failing to show the global leadership we need on climate change and trad… [Source]
  • 14 Nov 2021 Agreed. Alok Sharma showed a humble and resolute commitment to #cop26 - putting the focus firmly on the Prime Mini… [Source]
  • 13 Nov 2021 RT @Keir_Starmer: It’s welcome that an agreement has been reached at COP26. But we’ve seen too many promises for tomorrow, not the action t… [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2021 RT @Ed_Miliband: The people working in the cloakroom at #COP26 are staying here to make this COP a success. Shouldn’t the Prime Minister… [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2021 RT @CoopParty: Co-ops at #COP26 "are getting the message across that to achieve real climate justice, it has got to be about co-operation".… [Source]
  • 31 Oct 2021 RT @Keir_Starmer: The UK is hosting the biggest ever conference of international leaders on the climate crisis. It's an opportunity our wo… [Source]
  • 31 Oct 2021 RT @Ed_Miliband: COP26 cannot be a roll call of pre-packaged announcements; it must be a real negotiaton based on the science. Here are t… [Source]
  • 29 Oct 2021 RT @bphillipsonMP: Labour wanted a Budget for a brighter and better future. A plan for growth. A plan for the climate crisis. A plan for p… [Source]
  • 29 Oct 2021 RT @lisanandy: On the eve of #COP26 - the most important climate summit in a generation - we need a government whose ambition matches that… [Source]
  • 28 Oct 2021 Travelling to Cop26 from London you’ll have two viable choices; train or plane. ???? Train is £135 single ✈️ Plane i… [Source]
  • 20 Oct 2021 British manufacturers should be front and centre as we strive to meet our climate change objectives - on the roads… [Source]
  • 19 Oct 2021 RT @RachelReevesMP: The Chancellor's Net Zero Review fails to rise to the climate challenge. His lack of action will make costs spiral and… [Source]
  • 28 Sep 2021 RT @DevoConnect: Mike Kane MP, Shadow Aviation Minister, tells the transport fringe,"We didn't have a just transition after 1979 ... Labour… [Source]
  • 26 Sep 2021 COP26 is a chance to show our ambition, to maximise the crucial role transport will play in a green recovery. I wan… [Source]
  • 09 Aug 2021 Where are those 4,000 zero emission buses that you promised 18 months ago @grantshapps @BorisJohnson? [Source]
  • 09 Aug 2021 Had a fantastic visit to Mellor Buses earlier with @tony4rochdale hearing about how Govt funds for zero emissions b… [Source]

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