VoteClimate: Josh Newbury MP: Climate Timeline

Josh Newbury MP: Climate Timeline

Josh Newbury is the Labour MP for Cannock Chase.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Josh Newbury could have voted.

Josh Newbury is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Josh Newbury's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Josh Newbury

  • 24 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    It is an honour to speak on the Bill, given the twin challenges of tackling climate change and ensuring that our natural world not only survives but becomes a far greater part of our lives. Those priorities are shared by the vast majority of my constituents in Cannock Chase, many of whom have written to me over the last few weeks.

    Finally, I will turn to the principles of the Bill. When it comes to the climate and nature crisis, holding people in positions of power to account is perhaps more important than ever. Knitting together work across Government into a coherent strategy will be essential to making sure that the targets in the Environment Act 2021, to which this Government have made an unwavering commitment, become a reality. We all know that we do not have time to waste in the battle to limit global temperature rises and avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change and the battle to halt and reverse nature loss. The last Government talked the talk to some extent, but they dithered and delayed so chronically that they did not end up implementing much.

    Full debate: Climate and Nature Bill

  • 31 May 2024: Tweet

    It’s sometimes said that we can’t tackle soaring bills and climate change at the same time ???????? With Great British Energy, we can, generating homegrown clean electricity at low cost ⚡️???? This will ease the cost of living whilst creating skilled jobs and progress toward net zero [Source]
  • 09 Dec 2023: Tweet

    Whether it’s pushing for well paid, highly skilled jobs in a decarbonised energy industry or standing up against Amazon’s employment practices, @GMB_union is always fighting for workers ✊???? Delighted to have the GMB’s support to become the next Labour MP for Cannock Chase ???????? [Source]
  • 13 Nov 2023: Tweet

    I’m wholeheartedly backing @CoopParty’s campaign for clean, green, community-owned energy ⚡️???? We need to bring down bills and decarbonise but if that can benefit communities too, isn’t that a no-brainer? ????????‍♂️ If you’re a councillor then sign this letter ???????? [Source]
  • 09 Oct 2023: Tweet

    The conference hall was PACKED when the brilliant @jreynoldsMP set out Labour’s vision for British industry ???????????? Industrial strategy is meaningless under the Tories but a Labour government would restore our industries’ competitive edge and back them to reach net zero ???????? #Lab23 [Source]
  • 08 Oct 2023: Tweet

    It was brilliant to hear from a fantastic panel including Lord Mandelson and @jreynoldsMP on the need for government to act strategically to enable business and industry with stability, certainty and a clear direction of travel i.e. net zero and cutting edge technologies #Lab23 [Source]
  • 23 Oct 2021: Tweet

    I’ve had a fantastic couple of days at @_WALC’s Annual Conference which this year was focused on the #ClimateEmergency ???? Lots of practical and fascinating work being done on emissions reductions, adaptation and biodiversity which I’ll be taking back to our parish council ???????????? [Source]
  • 19 Oct 2021: Tweet

    Completely agree but forcing expensive heat pumps on millions will lead to huge in-home disruption + major issues with electricity production and supply. Decarbonising gas grid with carbon neutral affordable hydrogen is way forward. Unions back this, time for @UKLabour to as well [Source]
  • 19 Oct 2021: Tweet

    @LabGND It‘a a limp strategy BUT shifting millions to heat pumps won’t eradicate fuel poverty. There’s a reason fuel poverty schemes fund connections to gas grid. @GMB_union has said a lot about how hydrogen could decarbonise whilst securing good, unionised jobs: [Source]
  • 13 May 2021: Tweet

    Very proud to have supported having a #CitizensAssembly on climate change in Cannock Chase and to have pushed this forward as cabinet member ???????? Unfortunately, the council is now controlled by Tories who abstained on declaring a #ClimateEmergency and opposed a Citizens’ Assembly [Source]
  • 13 Oct 2019: Tweet

    @PeterABedford Who’s to say the BBC isn’t impartial? That’s your personal view as a highly partisan person. You’d probably say Blue Planet II was biased because it told viewers climate change is real and we need to act on it ???? I’ve only heard extremely ideological people complain about bias ????????‍♂️ [Source]
  • 11 Oct 2019: Tweet

    Most Tory MPs act just like the climate-denying Republicans in the US ???? Doesn’t make any sense to defend trashing the climate in the name of private profit when unchecked climate change would wreck the global economy ???????? [Source]
  • 01 Jun 2019: Tweet

    The first debate this morning is on #ClimateChange, energy and the environment, my area of interest and my day job. Some interesting points being made, especially around #EnergyEfficiency and #FuelPoverty [Source]
  • 03 Feb 2018: Tweet

    Very worrying scenes in Cape Town.. could be a situation we see far more of in coming decades as climate change takes hold. Globally we need to get our consumption of finite resources under control or face dire consequences. [Source]
  • 22 Apr 2017: Tweet

    Glad to hear Apple are continuing to lead the way on recyclable materials and renewable energy in their production! [Source]
  • 16 Mar 2016: Tweet

    Good line of questioning from Corbyn on air pollution & green energy but bit strange on #Budget day. Where's the anti-austerity push? #PMQs [Source]
  • 29 Mar 2015: Tweet

    Ridiculous tht UN fund to fight climate change in developing countries can be spent on coal power stations #Hypocrisy [Source]
  • 11 Feb 2015: Tweet

    Great news that @ecotricity backing Labour.. rubbishes anti-business claims & shows Labour will tackle climate change [Source]
  • 07 Sep 2013: Tweet

    Yet again Murdoch uses his monopolies to dupe the public into voting for austerity, climate change scepticism, homophobia, etc. #AusVotes [Source]
  • 04 Jun 2013: Tweet

    Shame that Tim Yeo decarbonisation amendment was defeated.. now add climate change to long list of coalition failures [Source]
  • 05 May 2013: Tweet

    @Jakob_whiten Many people on doorstep are appalled by some of your more abhorrent policies e.g. climate change denial and flat taxation [Source]
  • 22 Apr 2013: Tweet

    Happy #EarthDay! We westerners begun climate change and continue to fuel it at an exponential rate. Let's think about how we can change that [Source]
  • 04 Mar 2013: Tweet

    When this climate change lecture finally ends, I shall be heading over to @MatthewBrown446's for my first Cornish pasty #RegionalConnoisseur [Source]
  • 22 Oct 2012: Tweet

    Quite proud that I have low carbon footprint (1.82 planets) compared with my climate change seminar group and national average (3.1 planets) [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2012: Tweet

    @JordShort I've gone for Europe, Climate Change, America and the work experience one :) [Source]
  • 24 Apr 2012: Tweet

    Wind farms are helping Scotland forge new green economy.. dinosaur Trump advocates dark ages of oil and climate change [Source]

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