VoteClimate: Josh Newbury MP: Climate Timeline

Josh Newbury MP: Climate Timeline

Josh Newbury is the Labour MP for Cannock Chase.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Josh Newbury could have voted.

Josh Newbury is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Josh Newbury's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Josh Newbury in the last 90 days

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  • 24 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    It is an honour to speak on the Bill, given the twin challenges of tackling climate change and ensuring that our natural world not only survives but becomes a far greater part of our lives. Those priorities are shared by the vast majority of my constituents in Cannock Chase, many of whom have written to me over the last few weeks.

    Finally, I will turn to the principles of the Bill. When it comes to the climate and nature crisis, holding people in positions of power to account is perhaps more important than ever. Knitting together work across Government into a coherent strategy will be essential to making sure that the targets in the Environment Act 2021, to which this Government have made an unwavering commitment, become a reality. We all know that we do not have time to waste in the battle to limit global temperature rises and avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change and the battle to halt and reverse nature loss. The last Government talked the talk to some extent, but they dithered and delayed so chronically that they did not end up implementing much.

    Full debate: Climate and Nature Bill

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